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How To Prepare For Any Holiday Event With One Easy Planning Spread

by Content Team 22 Oct 2022 0 Comments

The Holidays are Near!

Hello friends, Crystal from @thecrystallinaperspective on Instagram and Youtube. Here in the USA, we have a ton of holidays that present back to back during the months of September- December. The major holidays consist of Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve/ Day, New Years Eve/ Day. But there are some smaller holidays that are equally as important such as Halloween, Election Day, Veterans Day, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, to name a few. There are tons of holidays and different cultures celebrate many different things. So, in order to stay organized and on top of all things holidays, this blog will focus on an easy spread that can be created and used to help plan out any holiday festivities. Simply change the color, stickers, washi, drawings, etc, and you have the desired holiday or even occasion you want to celebrate.

finished spread


Supplies You’ll Need:

  • Any AO notebook you prefer
  • Decorative Washi Tape
  • Embellishment Stickers 
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive Tape or Glue

**With your supplies, look around your house and find things that you aren’t using. Use those things! Some supplies in this list do contain affiliate links where I receive commission at no additional cost to you.**

Please remember to use the code CRYSTALP10 or my link to save on your Archer and Olive purchases. 

Check out this video to see the process of creating this spread. 


Let’s Create!

This tutorial is very simple and easy. We will follow 3 simple steps: lay the foundation, outline the event-holiday, and plan. Through these 3 steps, we will be able to organize our thoughts and plans as it is in relation to our event. Before starting this tutorial, think of the holiday that you want to create an event for. The basic template that we will create today can be tailored to any holiday or event. 

Lay the Foundation

create the boxes

There is a free printable available for download by clicking the link below. The first step is to lay the foundation. This can be done by simply outline the area where you would like to put everything. For this step, I simply drew boxes. Each box will hold valuable information regarding the event/ holiday. This will allow for things to be organized and situated in a way that this clear for anyone to help execute the event/ holiday plans. 

Outline the Event/ Holiday

add stickers

In this step we will outline the holiday event. We will label the different areas of our plan. In this area, you want to make sure that you create a budget header. All events evolve around a budget of some sort. I like to create small headers so that I know what needs to be planned and this helps to keep me on a timeframe with getting things done. You tailor this section per event/holiday and by what is necessary for your event/holiday planning. Some that’s not highlighted are health restrictions. With the rise and fall of various healthcare diseases, you may want to include required health tests such as Covid and/ or Flu tests to keep everyone safe during the holiday events. 

Plan, Plan, & Plan

use the spread to plan

Now that we have a foundation and outline, it is time to PLAN! Fill in your template with the information that you need for your next holiday event. You can share this information with a family helper to help you prepare for the event. You can brainstorm different things that need to be done for the event and organize how it should be done. The sky is seriously the limit. The template gives you a blueprint to plan out any event and organize it. It also gives you the liberty to switch it up as well.

Put your plan to action!

Now you have a plan, it’s time to put it into action. Like all blog posts, you can change these areas and do what you need to do. You can mix and match things and make things work for you. You can always decorate this template for the holiday that you need it for. Remember what your budget is as you plan, but have tons of fun!

Please make sure that you check out the printable freebie!

event planning printable

If you decide to make this spread or one similar please tag @archerandolive, and use hashtags #AOShare and #archerandolive. You can find me on Instagram or YouTube: @TheCrystallinaPerspective 

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