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How To Decorate A Weekly Spread In Your Undated Planner

by Content Team 21 Oct 2022 0 Comments

Hey! I’m Chloe from @bulletjournalbychloe and welcome back to another blog with me! I’m going to be sharing a fun way to decorate the weekly spread in the daily agenda using stickers. 

Supplies For Your Weekly Spread

  • Archer & Olive journal or daily agenda
  • Fine liners or black pen for details 
  • Washi tapes (optional) for added design 
  • Stickers (again optional) for added design 
  • Ruler to keep those lines straight 
  • Calliographs so we can make the spread colourful   

Use can use my affiliate code bujochloe10 to save 10% off your purchase 

Okay… go grab your supplies and let’s start creating!

Step One

stickers and supplies

The first thing you want to do is decide on a theme for that week. It may be that you want to match it to your bullet journal or it might be to do with what you are getting up to that week. This week that I am creating I went with a moon and stars theme. I went with this theme as the sticker sheets from archer and olive are perfect to fit in the daily agenda.


Step Two 

Next you will want to cover the days of the week. I have used the daily stickers to cover these. You could add colour to them and leave them how they are all like me. You could use stickers to cover them. As explained in my video I have only used Monday to Friday as I use this daily agenda for work. I cover Saturday and Sunday with stickers such as to do or plan for next week.


Step Three

close up on days

Now we will start decorating the page with stickers. I’m using some of the stars and moon stickers to decorate the page. Archer and olives stickers are amazing because as you can see from my video I stuck a sticker in the wrong place and I was able to peel it up and move it without damaging the page or the sticker. I recommend not to stick down too many stickers at this stage as you want to leave enough room for your events and to dos. 

Step Four

close up on details of spread

Now for the important part. It’s time to add in all the important events happening that week. As I’m a teacher I include events, training and anything that could be coming up within the week. This information is really helpful when making a to do list as it allows me to see how much time I have each day and allows me to allocate to dos to the most appropriate day. You can decorate this section however you like. I use the little flag tabs next to each event just to differentiate between each one.


Step Five

finish weekly spread

Finally I will add in any to dos for the week. I keep this planner out of my desk whilst I’m working so I can work on it all the time. This allows me to add to dos whenever I need to. If you haven’t tried a daily agenda yet give it a try as it will help with the new job. If you don’t have a daily agenda you can recreate this spread in your bullet journal as it is super simple. 

And that’s it. A super simple way to decorate your daily agenda and to keep it functional!

Feeling inspired? Great! You can use many of these ideas and combine them together to make spreads that are more personalised to you. I hope these ideas help you to keep organised. 


Want to see more? Check out this video where I talk through each idea so you can pick the right ones for you!


Finally, make sure you grab your free printable as a guide or to print out for your journal:

daily agenda help checklist

I hope you enjoyed this blog! Make sure to tag me (@bulletjournalbychloe) and Archer and Olive (@archerandolive) in any of your recreations and use the hashtag #AOShare #archerandolive! Have fun exercising! 

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