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How To Turn An Undated Planner Into The Ultimate Teacher Planner

by Content Team 23 Oct 2022 0 Comments

Hey everyone! Michelle here from Fiddles & Fern. I am a part-time 5th-grade teacher, part-time digital artist, and full-time mama to two sweet girls. You can find me at or @fiddlesandfern if you want to follow along in my creative adventures. I love combining my love of teaching and stationery, so today's project is the perfect combination!

If you are a teacher who is looking for the perfect planner, look no further! The undated planner from Archer & Olive can be customized to fit your needs. In this blog post, we will show you how to turn this amazing planner into the ultimate teacher planner!


undated planner

What is the undated planner?

With high-quality black vegan leather, the daily planner is the perfect way to organize your weekly and monthly plans. It features dot grid pages and premade layouts, making it easy to have a variety of pages to meet your teaching needs.

Why use the Archer & Olive undated planner for your teacher planner?

Having an undated planner means you can start using it at any time. This allows for total flexibility if you get hired after August if you don't follow a traditional school calendar or anything else that might fit your needs.


Let's get started! Here are the supplies you will need to create your custom teacher planner and where to get them. Just click on the link to grab what you need! Don’t forget, if you’d like to purchase any Archer and Olive supplies I have used for this project, you can use code FIDDLESANDFERN for 10% off.

Now that you have your supplies, we are ready to start making our teacher planner. Keep in mind that your needs might be different than mine, but this is a great structure to keep yourself organized and on top of your plans.

Positive Notes Home Numbered Checklist

If you have been teaching for any number of years, you know that sending positive notes home to students is a game changer. Kids (and their parents) LOVE getting positive feedback through phone calls home, notes in their agendas, or a quick text.

checklist spread

I try to make sure that every child gets at least one (if not more) positive note home a month. This numbered checklist is the perfect way to keep track of this and make sure no child gets overlooked.

Using the acrylograph pens, start by filling in the months at the top of each column that you will be teaching. Then assign each student in your class a number, it makes sense to number your students in alphabetical order by first or last name.

close up of checklist spread

Then as the month progresses, put a check by their number as you send home their positive notes.


Monthly Spread

The monthly spread is a great way to get an overview of your month. I like to use this page to write about any important dates or events that are happening, both in and out of school.

monthly spread example

I use the Archer & Olive monthly stickers to decorate and keep track of important dates. These are great because they are already numbered for you, so you don't have to worry about that!

Letter out the name of the month at the top using the acrylograph pens. Use the monthly spread to highlight important dates and functions for your school. Important items could be:

  • assemblies
  • class parties
  • student birthdays
  • co-worker birthdays
  • prep times
  • staff meetings
  • field trips

monthly spread close up

Weekly Spreads

This is where the fun begins! The weekly spread is my favorite part of the Archer & Olive planner because it is so versatile and there are endless possibilities for how to use it.

I start by titling each week, with the date range, for example "Sept. 23-27" and then I add in any important events for that week using washi tape and stickers.

weekly spread example

I like to use the daily sections to plan out my lessons. I color code each subject, for example, "math" or "science." Then I add in what we will be learning that week and what lesson we are on.

For example, in math, we might be working on fractions. I also like to add in any special projects or assignments that are due that week so I can make sure my students are prepared.

On the right-hand side of the weekly spread, I use it as a sort of daily checklist. I start by writing out my general to-do list for the week. This generally consists of items such as grading, planning, and prepping.

weekly spread close up

Then at the bottom of the weekly spread, I cover the Saturday and Sunday boxes with vintage stickers to create more room for prep & print. Use the blank stickers to add in whatever customized boxes you need. These boxes are great for more room to write down all the tasks you need to do for the week.

Dot Grid Notes

The dot grid pages are a great place to keep track of all your notes at staff meetings, PLCs, committee notes, and more. Use the lined stickers to write down the name of the meeting and the date. Then use the dot grids to keep track of your notes for each meeting that you attend.

Another idea for the dot grid pages would be to plan out your seating charts. Using small strips of sticky notes, you can maneuver them on this page, making it reusable throughout the school year. 

dot grid page example

And there you have it! Your very own custom teacher planner created with the amazing Archer & Olive supplies. Plan along with me here:

I hope you found this blog helpful and that it inspired you to create your own teacher planner. Check out the PDF for more ideas on how to use each page in your planner.

undated planner for teachers

Be sure to tag us on Instagram @fiddlesandfern if you try it out! We would love to see your creation! And check out all of the amazing art supplies that Archer & Olive has to offer!

Happy planning!

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