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6 Simple Ways To Start A Creativity Journal For Your Mental Health

by Content Team 13 Sep 2021 3 Comments

Hi everyone! Today we are going to share some simple ways for being more creative. 

Benefits of Art and Creativity on your Mental Health

Research shows increasing evidence of the effectiveness of creative interventions in health care promoting well-being. In particular, art and creativity can help develop networks and friendships, boost self-esteem and overall improve wellbeing. The simple action of creating such as colouring and repetitive patterns has even been found to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and promote mindfulness.

While research is still in its infancy, it seems there is a definite benefit to taking time in your day or week to create. So if you think this would help you too, I'm going to give you some tips for starting a creativity journal!


Supplies for Starting a Creativity Journal:


everyday collection feature

Ideas For Getting Started:

Split Up Your Page

The hardest part about being creative can sometimes just be starting a fresh journal or page. Therefore, here are some ways you can make your blank page more approachable.

Washi Sections

The first idea is to take Washi Tape and split your page into smaller sections.

washi barriers

This makes it feel more welcoming to start creating, as you just have to fill a small section rather than a whole page.



Another way to do this is splitting the page up with boxes, or I like to call them frames.

framed page

Again, the page is much more approachable, but it's also great to set up blank pages like this in advance so you can get started as soon as you open a sketchbook. It will also make you more likely to create something when the feeling strikes, especially if it's just a small idea.


Repetitive Patterns

Something that is great to do when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed is create easy, repetitive patterns.

simple repetitive patterns

Creating the same thing over and over can be extremely soothing and relaxing. It can give you something else to focus on. Simply pick something simple like swirls or lines and maybe put on some music while you create. I find this a great thing to use my frames for!

coloured shapes

Another idea of repetitive creating is colouring. Make simple shapes with your Acrylographs (or other mediums) and slowly colour them in. Research indicates that colouring is an amazing way to reduce depression and anxiety. If you like you can draw on top of the shapes too!


Try Out A New Medium

One great way to be creative is gather up all your supplies and create something simple!

different mediums

This gives you a great opportunity to try out mediums you haven't before, without the increased worry about creating a larger piece with something you're not experienced in. The Archer and Olive notebooks handle everything from watercolour to acrylic paint, so have some fun without worrying about 

different mediums 2

When it comes to creating something with a new medium, it doesn't have to be a big learning curve. Think of ways you can incorporate it into your regular style. For example I love drawing flowers, so I added some Gouache to the piece in a way it didn't require learning new painting/blending techniques.

gouache painting

And I love how it turned out! I can't wait to try it out with other mediums!


Sketching Things Around You

Something fun and easy to do in your creativity journal is sketch! This can be something on your desk, outside your window or even people. Whatever you feel comfortable with!

floral sketches

If there's nothing in the vicinity to inspire you, pick something you like drawing. I love using royalty free photo websites to create albums just for times like this.



Something simple to do if you don't feel confident with drawing or painting, is scrapbooking.Scrapbooking consists if putting different papers, stickers, stamps, items you've collected, pictures and more all together into one page. It can have a theme, for example this one is travel themed, but it can also just be things you find aesthetic.

scrapbooking page

The great thing about scrapbooking is you can play around with all the elements until you're absolutely happy with them. This means there is less worry about starting a journal or new page. It can also be an amazing way to document memories, thoughts, hopes and more. This makes it great for a self care activity in the moment, but also something really amazing to look back on. 


Get Inspiration From Prompts

Still stuck for something to do to get started, look up art or journaling prompts. If you search online there are amazing prompt lists, or you can even find quizzes and random generators giving you ideas!

To get started, here's one we created for you. Download the printable to write down the prompts in your journal, print it out, or even create a frame for each prompt to get started. These can be great for getting started when you just don't know what to draw!

art prompts for mental health

I hope these ideas helped you get started with a creativity journal. Make sure to let us know if you feel like these tips helped you! Find us on social media at @archerandolive and tag #archerandolive and #AOshare on Instagram so we can see your creations! 

acher and olive everyday collection


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21 Oct 2021 Corina

Great tips. Simple and easy to start and follow!

21 Oct 2021 Teresa B.

I love all these ideas! I can’t wait to give some of them a try! _

21 Oct 2021 Marie Mahler

Thank you so much for doing this. This is exactly what I have been looking for. I have been trying to journal for MH it but am overwhelmed. Hopefully, this will help.

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