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Tracking Memberships, Education and Professional Development In Your Bullet Journal

by Design Team 12 Sep 2021 0 Comments

Hey-lo! It’s Marsha from Do You Salut! In the quest of trying to be more organized and monitoring my budget I realized that there are two types of spreads that are missing from my bullet journal: membership tracker and professional development/continuing education tracker. Today we’re going to fix this problem! Let’s go! 

Recommended Supplies: 

bullet journal supplies

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Membership Tracker

I don’t know about you but I am guilty of signing up for free trial memberships and forgetting to cancel before the trial ends. As I’m writing this I just realized it’s definitely time to cancel that Audible membership that I haven’t used in a couple of months. 

Step 1: Find out which memberships you have. 

membership list

 I recommend grabbing your Archer and Olive notepad and going through your bank statements for the past three months to year.  Check to see if there are any recurring payments that are not necessities. For example Pandora radio, Spotify, Netflix, clothing subscription box, etc. On the separate paper right down the item and make note of the following: cost, frequency of charge, date when account is charged or billing cycle ends.  

potential memberships


Step 2: Membership sort through. 

sort your memberships

Next step is to sort through your memberships and honestly ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Is this membership bringing value or joy to my life? 
  • Is this within my budget? 
  • Is there anything else I could be spending this money on?
  • Do I really need this membership? 
  • Can I get this for free or at a lower cost someplace else? 

After asking yourself these questions it's time to put the memberships into categories: green light (keeping membership), yellow ( keep a watchful eye to see if this membership is useful), red (cancel membership-asap). Here are some of my traffic light memberships: 

  • green- yoga studio membership is an absolute must have. 
  • Green- canva pro membership 
  • Yellow- audible membership- although I’ve been wanting to read more I can always try and figure out how to download audiobooks from the library.
  • Yellow- Amazon prime membership: (do I really need these items so fast? Can I shop at a small business?) 
  • Red- YouTube Premium - I honestly don’t need it. Ads won’t kill me and that $15/month can go towards something else more fruitful. 
  • Red- Bluehost membership- I haven’t been satisfied with Bluehost services for years. I’ve always been too lazy to switch but now that hosting on Bluehost has become more expensive now is the time to make that switch. 

Step 3: Spread set up!

membership spread

Now to the fun part. I think little notepads throughout the paper with each notepad having the membership info would be a cute spread idea. However this might not be that functional if you have a high amount of memberships.  If you have a high amount of memberships you might find it helpful to create a table to keep track. 




Date of charge 

Renew or Cancel (R/C)




15th of the month


YouTube Premium



3rd of the month




20th of the month 


Canva Pro



April 20th


Check out this video of me creating this membership tracker spread.

Professional Memberships: 

In my regular day job I work as a Registered Dietitian. As a part of our certification we have to pay annual fees and acquire 75 continuing education credits every 5 years. Depending on the state there are other requirements needed to maintain the Registered Dietitian license. This is also true for professionals like lawyers, accountants, teachers, etc. Having a continuing education tracker is a great way to keep track of your progress towards recertification. 

education tracker

This spread can also work for people who are in college and want to keep track of how many credits they’ve earned towards their major or degree in total. This tracker can also work for any other project where you want to keep track of your progress. 

Here's a free download for you to use yourself!

membership tracking printable

So do you keep track of your memberships? Are you guilty of signing up for free trials and forgetting to cancel before the trial is up? How do you keep track of your memberships? Let us know in the comments below. Also don’t forget to tag us at @doyousalut and archerandolive so I can see your recreations. If you want a chance to be featured on our community page be sure to use the hashtag #aoshare . 


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