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10 Indoor Activity Ideas For Kids + Bullet Journal Tracker

by Design Team 14 Sep 2021 0 Comments

Hey friends, it’s Sarah from @essjay_florals and I’m so excited to share this list of indoor activities for kids that I compiled and turned into a bullet journal spread. A fun idea is to colour each activity in once you've done it!

supplies image


First up I want to share the materials I used to create this spread.

  • I’m using an Archer & Olive A5 Starry Sprinkles Notebook (unfortunately these are no longer available as they were limited edition, but there are many gorgeous notebooks available over here)
  • Pencil to sketch out the doodles
  • A mix of various Acrylograph markers in size 0.7mm (select a palette of 5 or 6 colours and stick with these to keep your doodles consistent). I kept my doodles simple and coloured in solid blocks for each of the doodles.
  • I finally outlined all the doodles using a Unipin fineliner in 05

Don’t forget if you’d like to make any purchases from Archer and Olive to use my code SARAH10 for a 10% discount and as a way to support me as a creator.


Fun Indoor Activities

Now let’s get into some of my top recommendations for fun indoor activities to keep your kids busy.

indoor activity ideas



Scrapbooking is an absolute favourite in my house, my girls adore getting their little journals out and creating fun little pages. We use stickers, cutting shapes out of various papers and gluing it all together, then adding our own little drawings. The fun thing about this is you can pop your old bujo or art supplies in a box for them to use, I give the girls some of my extra stickers, washi tapes, bits of paper, you name it!



Painting is another favourite in my house, there is something about busting some paint out and just making a mess that kids adore! I generally set up a lot of old newspaper on the table and chuck the girls in old clothes and let them go crazy(ish). We’ve experimented with adding salt to watercolours, watching it draw out the colours, colour mixing is another great activity that I’ve explored with the kids, teaching them about primary and secondary colours.


Craft Kits

I’m sure you’ve seen craft kits in dollar shops and other stores. I’m always on the lookout for little sets as a fun little treat, some that we’ve found before are suncatcher sets, seasonal decoration kits, crystal/gem paintings or simply activity books with colouring and stickers (if you are in Australia or New Zealand my favourite places to find these goodies are Kmart, Riot Art or dollar stores or you can simply DIY your own, look through Pinterest for lots of great inspiration).

more ideas with doodles

Drawing / Colouring

Drawing or Colouring, actually all the arts and crafts are a serious hit in my house (I wonder where the girls get their love of arts and crafts from? Haha) But honestly this is a great activity for all ages. We sometimes make it a fun little game by doodling little images and getting the girls to guess what they are and they do the same thing.


Blanket Fort

Create a blanket fort, no further explanation needed, blanket forts are always fun, seriously, who doesn’t love them! Make it cozy add some kind of lighting inside (fairy lights, torches etc) and you know the kids are going to have a ball!


Keepy Uppy

I’m not sure if this is something people play everywhere or just an Australian thing (LOL), but it’s a super easy game, blow up a balloon, tie it up, throw it in the air and don’t let it touch the floor! This is a serious favourite in our house and you’d be surprised how long this can actually keep kids entertained.


Dance Party

All you need is some music, we sync up a speaker to our phones and then just go to town, dance like nobody's watching! If you want to add a little extra fun, turn it into musical statues!


Movie Day

Pick a bunch of movies and set up little couches all cozy and don’t forget the yum snacks! Who doesn’t love a movie day? Cozying up with some family favourites is always a winner!



Who doesn’t love cookies? And of course things are always better when you’ve made them yourself, so of course the kids feel the same way about making food. Find a recipe and get baking! (top tip, keep the recipes simple, or better yet use a box mix, for your own sanity)

See how I created this spread and plan along with me here:

I hope this list gives you some inspiration to help keep the kids occupied whilst indoors. And if you would like to create some of these doodles to track each activity in your own journal download the free printable now.

indoor activity tracker

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