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How To Keep Track Of Sewing Projects In Your Bullet Journal

by Design Team 24 Oct 2021 0 Comments

Hello, friends! Elizabeth here from Plant Based Bride on YouTube and @elizabethturn on Instagram. Today I’m sharing my sewing project spread for all of my fellow sewists out there!

full spread

Check out this video to see the process of creating this spread




Let’s talk through the spread in sections:

At the top, there’s room for the project description, pattern name, version, and size. This is great for future reference if you want to make the garment again!

details sections

Next, I have a little section for listing the required supplies and tracking the cost of the project. I like to do this to compare how much my me-made pieces cost in comparison to similar items from sustainable brands!

To the right of that, I included a larger section for notes. This is where I jot down alterations or adjustments to the pattern, tricky areas to note if I’m making the pattern again, tips for new techniques I’m learning, and more!

 fabrics and other details

Next, we have a small spot for attaching a fabric swatch. This is great if you’re shopping and looking for a fabric that has a similar weight/feel to fabric you’ve used before or coordinates with a garment you’ve previously made. It’s also helpful when shopping for notions or lining to match an ongoing project!

Under that, there’s a small area for fabric notes, mainly the fiber breakdown by percentage and the care instructions. It’s also a good place to note where the fabric was from and the name and/or description!

To the right of the fabric notes, there’s a small area for sewing machine settings including stitch length, width, and tension.

fashion figures

The right page of this spread is dedicated to sketching the garment, front and back, on these fashion figures from Etsy with space for notes on alterations and adjustments, and a spot to include the date started and the date finished to see how long the project took!

finished spread

And that’s the entire spread! I'd love to see your version of a sewing project tracker if you use one. Tag me on Instagram @elizabethturn so I can see! 

You can also download the printable version of this spread (without the fashion figures, which you can get here) here:

sewing printable

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