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Bullet Journal Ideas: Holiday Organization Checklist + FREE Printable

by Design Team 26 Oct 2021 0 Comments
Hello lovely friends! Charizze here from @charizzet on Instagram and Charizze T on YouTube. Today I’m going to share with you how to create an organization checklist on your bullet journals that will help you prepare for the Holiday season! Use this as a guide to jumpstart your Holiday planning!

Supplies For A Holiday Organization Checklist:

You can also check out the time-lapse video of how I created this checklist! 

Let’s get started! 



step one

Start off with a sketch. It’s always a good thing to map out everything first with a pencil to visualize how the spread will look like. You can also think about whether going for a one-page or two-page depending on the number of tasks you have on your initial list — write them down on a separate piece of paper.




Choose fonts and colors you would like to use in this spread. For the title, I used a red brush pen for the word “Holiday” in a brush lettering style on the left side of the header and a red fineliner for the words “Organization Checklist” in a Serif font on the right side. I also added snowflakes and sparkles around them.





Organize your checklist. This can be done by frequency (a month before, three weeks before, and so on) or in categories such as holiday shopping, decorations, food planning, etc. 



Add holiday doodles for each category. This step is optional but you can always add something to make it a fun checklist!

You can also refer to this photo for examples of tasks you can add on your own list. 

finished spread

And there you have it! Holiday season is closer than we think so let’s prepare and organize as early as possible. I hope this blog post will have you smooth sailing towards the holidays! Download your own here:

free printable

I’d love to see your recreations by tagging me on Instagram @charizzet . You can also download a free printable version of this Holiday Organization Checklist here! Have a fantastic holiday season everyone!

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