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Easy Travel Checklist Spread For Your Travel Bullet Journal

by Design Team 28 Apr 2022 0 Comments

Hello friends, Crystal from @thecrystallinaperspective on Instagram and Youtube. Please remember to use the code CRYSTALP10 or my link to save on your Archer and Olive purchases. 

full travel spread

Let’s Talk Travel!

In today’s blog post, I am making a simple travel checklist. I don’t know about you but I love to travel. Now that it’s becoming safer outside, the traveling opportunity and window has opened. To start my 2022 travels, I will be headed to Anaheim California for one of the biggest planner conferences ever, Go Wild! To help me prepare for the conference, I created a travel checklist. This checklist was very simple to create. I do recommend that you start off by brainstorming things you possibly will need for the area you are traveling to. This will help you to pick up any additional things as well as have an idea of what you really need to pack for your trip. I recommend writing out this list as soon as possible and updating it as needed. 

travel journal supplies

Supplies You’ll Need:

Let’s Create!

A travel checklist is very easy to create. Each person packs differently, and there are some things that are more meaningful to some rather than others. For this particular checklist, I kept it simple yet fun. I used a combination of stickers and washi to create my spread but of course you’re welcomed to draw if that better suits you. To create this spread, I simply started by laying down some of the stickers I resonated with from According to Ali’s shop, and then followed up with some washi. The next few steps consisted of me laying down a combination of stickers and washi. You can create a bold title for your checklist or use a combination of stickers to create a header. I used stickers to create my header and then followed it up with various boxes so that I could write in them. 

Let’s Pack 

packing list

Now that there is a base of stickers down boxes included. I am going to start to label the boxes to indicate what I need to pack. I created labels by simply writing on the sticker but there are so many ways that a person can label their boxes. Then I proceeded to write down my different categories: outfits, shoes, accessories, planner things, and then Disney checklist. I like to put things into categories because it makes it a lot easier to see what you need to pack. When you are making your checklist, always keep in mind what type of activities you will be doing. You want to pack for those things! Since I was packing for a planner conference, I had to make sure that I created a spot to list planner things that I would like to pack. 


Wrapping Things Up

itinerary spread

After you have laid all of your stickers, the next thing you want to do is wrap up your list. So, jot down all the things you possibly need to pack, make adjustments as needed, and remember that this is an opportunity for you to have fun. The sky's the limit when it comes to creating travel checklists. I always like to make my lists based on what location I am traveling to. I also like to add in things that I must do before traveling or things I must grab. However you see fit, make your traveling experience your own and enjoy each moment of it. 

Don’t forget to download the free printable travel checklist!

printable travel checklist

If you decide to recreate any of these please tag @archerandolive, and use hashtags #AOShare and #archerandolive. You can find me on Instagram or YouTube: @TheCrystallinaPerspective 

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