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Weekly Check-Ins: How to Keep Your Goals on Track

by Guest Blogger 02 Feb 2021 0 Comments

Hi, friends! It’s Viv from @mondaymorningdesign on Instagram and YouTube.

With the start of a new year (and WOW, did we need a refresher from 2020!), you will probably find yourself setting new resolutions or goals for the year. While we tend to set goals that we dream of achieving in our lives, how many times did these goals fall flat by February? I know I’m guilty of this!

Today, I’m sharing with you an easy spread you can add in your journal to help keep your goals in check.


You can decorate your spread in any way that fits your style!



While you don’t have to wait until the new year to set new goals, the beginning of anything — year, month, week — certainly is symbolic of new beginnings and fresh starts and is one that is full of hope and possibilities.

If you haven’t already (and you’re wanting to set goals, of course), take this time to reflect on some goals or intentions you’d like to set for yourself. You can even get some inspiration from Masha in her post about a Level 10 Life.

Now that you’ve set your goals or intentions, it’s time to create your weekly check-in spread.



As I was reflecting on my goals for the month and my Level 10 Life goals, I thought about how I could consciously work towards them. It’s easy to say or write your goals down, but it’s also easy to give up on them because the end goal/bigger picture might seem unobtainable or impossible. But if you set smaller goals to reach and/or track your progress by checking in with yourself more frequently, it is absolutely possible!

Previously, I wrote my goals in my monthly calendar spread in my Bullet Journal. Then, at the end of the month, I sometimes did a reflection page (if I remembered). But I realized that I wasn’t reflecting on why my goals kept falling short month after month in a meaningful way. I would just brush it off and move onto the next month — as if the new month was going to be any different from the last. If I wasn’t making any conscious effort to change anything, why did I expect my habits or thinking to?



After thinking of different ways to hold myself accountable, I developed this weekly check-in spread to check in with myself more frequently throughout the month, rather than at the end of the month. Not only am I measuring my goals, but I'm also putting an emphasis on my mental health by adding the “thinking” and “emotions” category which is something I am focusing on nourishing this year. This will help me be more aware and mindful of my thoughts and feelings throughout the month.

First, I divided the pages into 4 equal parts. In one section, I added the areas of my life that I wanted to focus on. This includes my mental health, goals, and intentions. Then, I added a rating scale. I used 1 through 5.  Next, I added another space to allow myself to write notes or reflections.

Of course, your categories may look different than mine since we will probably have different goals we want to focus on, but the objective will be the same.

The rating scale (1 through 5) is subjective and is where I feel I’m currently at in the category. By reflecting on how each week went, I can make smaller goals and changes to achieve a better “rating” the following week. Or, I can give myself some grace if I had a bad week by reflecting on what triggered the feelings of a not-so-great week. In the thoughts section, I’ll write about specific events or things that occurred and my thoughts on them.


This weekly check-in spread is customizable and can be adapted to fit anybody’s needs and lifestyle. By breaking down our big goals into smaller, more achievable goals and making conscious decisions to be more in-tune with our thoughts and feelings, any goal we set for ourselves becomes that much more obtainable.


I hope you found inspiration from this spread and that it helps in you achieving what you want in life whether it be a tangible goal or intention. If you add this spread in your Bullet Journal, make sure to tag me on Instagram so I can check it out!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.  My DMs are always open.

Sending you love,

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