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Washi Tape Girl Doodle Tutorial

by Guest Blogger 15 Jan 2020 0 Comments

Hi Everyone! I’m Quynh from @caliquynhletters. Today I will be showing you how I create some fun doodles in my bullet journal using Washi Tape. Making time to be creative is a great way to relax and experiment with different types of art supplies. Journaling is a form of Self Care. Carving time out for yourself allows you to feel refreshed, and provides additional energy for you to care for those around you.

Archer & Olive Verdant Ventures A5 Dot Grid Journal

  1. Faber Castell Fine Drawing Pen
  2. Tombow Fudenosuke Hard Tip Brush Pen
  3. Washi Tape
  4. Scissors

Time Needed: 10 minutes

Washi tape is a type of adhesive tape that is made out of paper and comes a bunch of different colors and patterns. Using washi tape is a great way to decorate gifts, seal envelopes and to add flare to your Bullet Journal.
In this tutorial, I will show you how to convert a simple piece of tape into a whimsical doodle of a girl wearing a decorative headband..

Step 1: Pick out a roll of washi tape in a pattern or color that you love. Cut about a 1.5 inch piece and place in the center of your notebook page.

Step 2: Using a fine tip drawing pen, add hair in a sock bun shape above the washi tape.

Step 3: Draw face shape below the tape.

Step 4: Add side bangs and earrings.

Step 5: Add lashes, and other facial features with minimal detail. Add a neck.

Step 6: Used a brush pen, add a fun quote or title above your drawing.
Step 7: Take a nice flat lay in an area with nice natural daylight. Use washi tape, pens and scissors as props.


Post your photo to a public Instagram account, tag @caliquynhletters and @archerandolive in your photo and use hashtag #CaliQuynhWashiArt #archerandolive so that we can find you easily.

I hope that you had fun reading this drawing tutorial. 



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