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Using Self-Discovery Questions to Promote Personal Growth

by Guest Blogger 11 May 2020 0 Comments

self-discovery questions for personal growth

There are many ways to practice self-care and work on personal growth. It is important to spend time developing and cultivating coping strategies that work well for you. Meditating, journaling, practicing yoga, exercising, eating healthy, and making sure to get enough sleep, are all fantastic self-care tactics. However, if you’re interested in seeing how becoming more self-aware can benefit your mental health, you may want to try practicing self-discovery. This self-awareness technique can help you look at yourself more objectively. Paying attention to the way you think, feel, and behave can benefit you enormously. In general, practicing self-discovery can help you:

  • Become more organized
  • Feel more optimistic and confident
  • Think more positively about yourself
  • Develop emotional intelligence
  • Make informed decisions
  • Set realistic goals
  • Develop plans of action
  • Communicate effectively

One way to engage in self-discovery is to ask yourself specific questions so that you start to understand and identify your strengths and any problem areas. You should always try to answer these questions as honestly and with as little judgment as possible. Recording your answers is beneficial as you can revisit them at a later date and evaluate your progress.

If you are looking to cultivate a better relationship with yourself, focusing on questions related to personal self-discovery is the way to go. Many of us struggle to really know who we really are and what we are all about. Practicing personal self-discovery can help make it clear how we truly feel about certain things, where we can improve and grow, and what relationships and environments are beneficial to us. Using this practice can help us reach our goals and full potential. 

Printing out a list of personal self-discovery questions is a great place to start. Below you will find some examples of personal self-discovery questions as well as a download button for a personal self-discovery printable by University of St. Augustine Health Sciences. Enjoy!

  1. What are three of my strengths?
  2. What do I value most in life?
  3. What kind of personality do I have?
  4. Did I make time for self-care this week?
  5. How much time did I spend working this week?
  6. What excites me the most right now?
  7. What is something I find terrifying?
  8. What is something that makes me happy?
  9. When was the last time I did something nice for someone else?
  10. Who matters to me most right now?
  11. What are three of my weaknesses?
  12. What’s something I would like to do less of and why?
  13. What are two things I want to do more of?
  14. What worries me at night?
  15. Did I exercise this week?
  16. How important is my mental health to me?
  17. What risks have I taken recently?
  18. What obstacles get in the way of my happiness?
  19. What makes me laugh?
  20. What is one thing I am spending too much time thinking about?

Self-Discovery Questions in your Archer and Olive Bullet Journal


Julia Morrissey is a content creator who works to develop helpful guides and compelling stories. Her passion for creative writing has led her to cover unique topics ranging from business to lifestyle. She calls New York City home and enjoys spending time with her rescue dog, running in Central Park, and finding new vegan dining options around the city.

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