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Things To Do This Spring

by Maria Irina 20 Apr 2020 0 Comments

Hey guys! Masha here from Masha Plans.

So, it’s Spring, the weather is perfect, everything screams family BBQs and spring break.

But we are all stuck at home.

It’s sunny outside but it feels pretty dark inside.

I totally get this attitude! I’m having trouble being locked in as well. Or at least I had until I decided to make the best out of it and came out with a list of fun things to do at home!

If you just sit and give it a thought you’ll be able to see that there are so many fun and creative things you can be doing at home.

Coming up with a list will help you a lot. First of all, just creating a list can be a fun activity, especially if you go all creative with your BuJo.

But most importantly - spending time on making a list of activities you’ll feel much more positive since now you will have more options than just Netflix, which can get boring after that many days. Or so I’ve heard… :D

ANYWAYS, to get you started I came up with a list of things you can do at home this spring that don’t involve leaving the house.

And yes, I did turn it into a pretty Bullet Journal spread, for which I used my B5 Archer and Olive notebook, Tombow pens and some stickers and washi tapes I got from my visit to PlannerCon 2020.

Before we start discussing activity ideas, I just want to mention that if you want to buy anything from Archer and Olive, you can get 10% off your order with my code MASHA10.

bullet journal, spring, archer and olive, masha plans, to-do list, page ideas, bujo spread


First, let’s look into creative things you can be doing at home. Of course, my list will have a lot of Bullet Journal related things since it’s my creative outlet and favorite way to get distracted from all the current anxieties.

  1. Try new Bullet Journal pages
  2. Try using new materials in your Bullet Journal
  3. Spend some time trying  out a new hobby you’ve always wanted to pursue
  4. Create a memories journal and relive your best moments
  5. Plan out BuJo pages for the rest of the year


Quarantine time is pretty hard on us all, but I always try to see a brighter side. It can be a good time to take better care of yourself since it’s easier to do it at home.

So consider spending your time on some of these activities. If you try doing these you’ll be able to turn them into a habit during the quarantine, so when it’s all over you can still stick to it.

  1. Catch up on your sleep
  2. Plan healthier meals
  3. Create a home workout schedule
  4. Cook more and try new recipes


This quarantine also gives us a chance to finally go through all the things we have to do at home but just never found time for it.

The time is now!

  1. Spring cleaning
  2. Reorganize the pantry
  3. Purge the closet
  4. Redecorate your room or living space
  5. Organize your home office
  6. Clean out the garage

cleaning tracker, bullet journal tracker, archer and olive, masha plans


Taking good care of yourself is always important, but it’s crucial now when we all have a hard time mentally dealing with the situation.

You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to take extra good care of yourself and now you don’t even have an excuse that there is no time for it.

  1. Home spa day
  2. Manicure 
  3. Face time with friends
  4. Puzzles and coloring
  5. Animal lifestreams
  6. Bubble bath
  7. Smoothies
  8. Essential oils and scented candles
  9. Meditation 


Finally, here are just a few fun ideas for you to bring your entertainment to a new level.

  1. Catch up on your Netflix queue (you knew it was coming!)
  2. Family game nights
  3. Star Wars marathon
  4. Backyard tanning
  5. Online games with friends (animal crossing anyone? ;)
  6. Reading
  7. Zoom happy hour meetings with friends

How are you dealing with Spring this year? What are your favorite activities during the pandemic? Definitely share it with us!

And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling and it’s ok to be a blob if you need to.

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