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The Perfect Graduation Spread For Your Bullet Journal

by Content Team 08 May 2022 0 Comments

Hi, friends! 

It’s Char here from the Archer & Olive 2022 Design Team, and today we’re celebrating all of you graduates! This is the perfect spread to celebrate your graduation year.

This spread is inspired by one of my favourite memories from my own childhood and my time in school, so I hope you love it as much as I do!

graduation bullet journal spread

Supplies For A Graduation Bullet Journal Spread

Below is a rundown of some of the products I used to create this spread. If you would like to purchase any of these products, remember to use the code CHAR10 at checkout to save yourself some money!

  • A5 Neapolitan Time for Tea Dot Grid Notebook - This journal has 3 different types of paper so that you can pick your favourite between Kraft, Blackout, or regular white pages. You can also do this spread on one of the Dot Grid Notepads, or on any of the other Dot Grid Journals
  • Calliographs - I used the grey shade to add a couple of accents and shadows to make this spread pop.
  • Acrylographs - Specifically, the metallic collection! I think the silver shade really makes this spread.
  • Fineliner: Pentel Energel 0.7mm
  • Ruler


Quote Page

To kick this spread off, I started with a simple quote page. 

Because I love a good pun, I went for a very simple ‘Con-GRAD-tulations’ quote, but you can totally change this to whatever speaks to you. Use your yearbook quote, the name of your school, or even swap this out for a drawing/doodle page (for example, this would be super cute with a drawing of a graduation cap or your school mascot!). Keep it black and grey, or make it colourful (you could even use your school colours). Make this spread your own and have fun with it!

con grad tuglations spread

Memories Page

The second part of this spread is my favourite, because it’s inspired by something I did every year from the time I was in school from preschool until I graduated high school in grade 12.

My fellow Canadians may be familiar with ‘School Day Treasures’, which was a scrapbook-style memory book to record all of your school memories, achievements, awards, photos, and more. If you’ve never seen one of these before and have no idea what I’m talking about, trust me, it’s worth a Google search!

At the end of every school year, my sister and I would sit down with my mom and paste in our school photos and fill out the details of our year, like which subjects we loved, who our closest friends were, which clubs/activities we were a part of, etc. It was (and still is) so much fun to flip through to see how I changed and grew over the years, and it is such a special memory that I will cherish forever.

memory spread

So with all that being said, this graduation spread is inspired by my own School Day Treasures book. I’ve included quick info like school name, year, age etc., and some more long-form prompts like goals and ambitions and special events/memories. As I always say, make this spread your own with whatever categories are most important to you! Here are some more ideas of things you can include:

  • Favourite teacher
  • Favourite class
  • Most challenging class
  • Clubs/activities
  • Awards
  • Closest friends
  • Career goals

I also left a space for a photo, which I highly recommend including. Nothing says ‘graduation’ like the iconic cap and gown photo!

full spread


For those of you who don’t love to draw things out yourself, I’ve created a printable version of the ‘memories’ section of this spread. Fill it out and paste it in your journal, scrapbook, or wherever else you’d like.

Click to download now. 

bullet journal download


I hope this spread brings you all the feels, because creating it certainly brought back some nostalgia for me. And whether you’re graduating from elementary school, high school, university, or college, I am sending you my biggest congratulations and wish you all the best on the next stage of your journey.

If you’d like to see more of my spreads, you can find me on Instagram at

Don’t forget to tag @archerandolive,, #AOShare and #archerandolive when you try your own weekly spreads. 

Until next time!

Xx, Char

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