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The Perfect Gift for your Bullet Journal Friends + Free printable!

by Nicola Knobel 16 Dec 2019 0 Comments

My language of love is gifts, this doesn't mean I am materialistic, it means that kind gestures and gifts really spreak to me. Hi Nicola here, from My Inner Creative and I will be chatting through how to make a fun gift card for your BuJo bestie or even a friend who likes to BuJo. 

Over the last couple of weeks I have become completely obsessed with “Shakeable” snow globes, and popping them into my journal and planner. So why not create something equally as sweet as a DIY Christmas gift!

What I love about this simple gift is that you can create it in minimal time, but the words and the kindness within the card are the things that will really mean something. 

The languages of love!

There are actually 4 other languages, not just the 1 I spoke about and they actually reflect quite a couple of us, and if you think about what people give you, it isn't hard to find theirs!

  1. Words of Affirmation - this means you support people through your words and giving compliments; it means words can also do damage when used incorrectly, so using kind words to someone who loves affirmation is important. 
  2. Acts of service - This is where the old adage “actions speak louder than words” comes into play - if you are doing something for someone you care about (taking out the trash when not asked to) this really means the world to them!
  3. Receiving gifts - (THIS IS ME!) This love language isn’t necessarily materialistic. It just means that a meaningful or thoughtful gift makes your partner feel loved and appreciated. Something as simple as picking up a pint of their favorite ice cream after a long work week can make a huge impact.
  4. Quality Time - This love language is all about undivided attention. Give your time freely and with love.
  5. Physical touch or affection - To people with this love language, nothing is more impactful than the physical touch of their friends family and partner, this could be in the simple form of a hug, sitting close or even just a kind hand squeeze - this doesnt need to be “sexual” contact to show affection, this can be used in platonic friendships too! You just need to find you right balance

If you want to make your own, print this cool wee goodie out and make a cute envelope card

What you will need!

  1. Some Card
  2. Some BuJo Paper
  3. Some Stickers
  4. An Exacto Knife or retractable blade.
  5. Some glue
  6. Some glitter or embellishments
  7. Some markers or pens
  8. Some Washi Tape!

Ok, Lets get started - here is a video to help you out! 

Today we are going to create essentially a little bullet journal card. Using stuff you already have in your home! To get you thinking about what you might want to put in your card - download the graphic and questions here!

Questions to ask - What makes the person special? What are some of the qualities you really like about them? What are some of the things you know might have meaning to them from the past year? What are some of the things that make you happy about the person?

Step 1: Grab all the paper you might need

You will need some bullet journal paper or card

Step 2: Cut out the colored card and paper and create a little fringe

Step 3: Use some washi tape to seal down the fringe at the top 

Step 4: Put a strip of washi tape down the side of a blank piece of card to make the bow

Step 5: Bend the washi into a bow shape

Step 6: Create a little base for the bow and stick it onto your card after writing your greeting (you dont want to SQUISH the little bow you just made!)

For the next greeting card you just have to collect all that washi that has been lying around the house for ages! Grab another bit of card and stick washi tape across it all the way down.

Boom, done!

Package everything up and send or attach to gift you might have already bought! Easy Peasy!

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