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How to Create a Radial Stamp Pattern

by Ambassador Team 19 May 2024 0 Comments

Hi, I’m Mark from Mark Your Pages, and today we are going to create a radial stamp pattern inside of our journal. These designs are great for all size journals but can also be used on flat sheets of paper to make posters and even your own wrapping paper.

Once you learn the basics of how to set up your page for these patterns, you will want to create these designs with all your stamp sets. I love mixing and matching sets, and thinking up themes and fun visuals for these stamp compositions.

radial stamp example


Stamping supplies:

To start off with our radio design, we need to first find and grid out the center of our page. For today’s example, we are using a B5 Sized notebook. So the spacing is 16 squares across the top and 23 squares vertically on the sides. For different sized notebooks, you are going to find the center of your page for that sized notebook. 

step 1

Next, we are going to use our pencil to create our diagonal grids, crossing through the center of our page. 

Lets grab our compass and create our circles, starting from the center and working our way out. I like to give at least 1 inch of space between the circles. It doesn’t need to be exact, just be sure to give yourself from space for the stamps you have.

step 2

Once you have your pencil lines and circles, it’s time to select your centerpiece. I always like to choose something bold and big for the center of my grid. In this case, I am using a vintage typewriter.

Next, I like to add my larger radial items. For this piece, lets use the fountain pen. We are going to lay these on the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines. We will use the smaller circle line as our baseline so that we have even spacing around our page.

step 3

We will continue to build our this page using different sized stamps. Think about the spaces and shapes that are created and try different orientations of stamps as you add them to your page. For example, instead of using the paper clip on a vertical, lay it on its side and place it around your page so it looks like it’s spinning. 

step 5

Continue to add stamps to fill out your pace. The hardest thing to do if to know when to stop, so don’t over do it at first. When you feel like you are in a good spot, make sure the ink is dry and then erase your pencil lines around the page.

step 6

Now you have an awesome stamped radial pattern to kick off your new monthly page. These patterns are so fun to make and you can really use any style or type of stamp you’d like. The most important thing is to pay attention to your spaces around the ring and other stamps. These guidelines are what help create that symmetrical look to your piece. 

For a Video Tutorial, check out the step by step video on the Archer & Olive youtube channel.

If you want to get some practice before taking your stamps to your notebook, use this printable worksheet to create your own stamped art pieces. 

free printable


Get more ideas on how to use stamps in your journal, like creating a monthly review page here.

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