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Top Tips for Planning your Kids' Summer Break

by Ambassador Team 04 May 2024 0 Comments

Planning for Summer Break

Are you facing a parent facing summer with the children being on an extended break from school?  Perhaps you are looking at ways to best make memories while still managing any juggles with work and childcare.  Your Bullet Journal can help you to create a balance for summer of fun days out while still maintaining some routines.

Orange journal with summer themed washi and stickers

Hello, it’s Alex (@TheJournalCorner) from the Archer and Olive ambassador team.  I am also a mum of three school-ages children and today am going to share some ways I plan my summer.  It’s lovely to spend more time as a family but this also comes with it’s own challenges! I use my journal to help with activity ideas, schedules, days out and even some self-care for parents.

Remember you can also find a video on how I created these pages at the end of this blog post if you prefer to watch.  There, you will also find some printable pages to save you time in your own journal.  These include a calendar template and a places to visit list you can add your ideas to.

Supplies needed

Orange journal with pens, rulers, stickers and scissors

For these ideas I am using both A5 and the larger B5 journals.  You can see what Archer & Olive journals are currently available here.  

In addition to a journal, some of the ideas I am sharing today will also use pens such as the calliographs and a writing pen.  A ruler like this dot grid planning stencil will also be useful.  It’s always nice to add some simple decoration too and Archer and Olive have some lovely themed washi and stickers.  For one of the pages I have also used some scissors and coloured paper from notepads, but it is not essential.

Journal with supplies - pens, notepad,

If you are looking to purchase anything from Archer & Olive, please use ‘Alex10’ to save 10%. This is an affiliate code, so it allows you to support creators like me too.

Summer Overview Calendar

Summer Holidays title above grid layout

I always use a monthly calendar spread in my Bullet Journal, but when summer break is more than 6 weeks and across different months, it’s useful to see a whole overview.  This means finding space to create a calendar that covers up to 9 weeks (depending on where you are in the world.)

In order to do this, I have turned my journal vertically to create a double page calendar grid.  In a B5 size journal, this still allows you to have 3cm x 3cm squares for each day.  I made sure I left space for a title and the days of the week, then drew out the grid using a ruler.  7 columns across to cover the days of the week and 9 rows down (but adapt to however long summer break is for you.)

Using the broader end of a calliograph brush pen I wrote out a title and then added dashes at the top of each daily box ready to fill in the dates.

Close up of dashes for dates on calendar grid

Finally, I added the days of the week and some decoration to the page using summer themed stickers and washi tape from Archer & Olive.

Open journal with finished summer holiday calendar spread

Places to Visit Page

The summer break often means more days out and trips to places in order to entertain the children.  I often find a mix of visits both local and further afield work well, but it’s useful to have a list to refer to.

Open journal with title in middle ‘place to visit’

I have used a calliograph to add a title in the centre of A5 journal for this spread.  To make it a bit more interesting, I have cut rectangles out of coloured paper in order to add my ideas to.  It can be nice for the children to also write their own ideas on this paper, that you can then add to the page.

Open journal with added ideas on coloured paper using black pen

I try to include a range of places but also simple wins like a trip to the supermarket that can still seem exciting when they are young! Once you have written down some ideas, you can stick these onto the page, leaving space to add any of your children suggestions.

Open journal page with coloured paper

Open journal with ideas on coloured paper and summer stickers

Again stickers are a great way to decorate and fill any space left on this page.

Summer Activity Ideas

You have probably heard of a bucket list, well this is a different way to note down activities you may want to enjoy during the summer.  For this example I have tried to think of ideas for more home based entertainment rather than days out.  There are always rainy days or times when the children are bored and this page will help me come up with some inspiration.  Its also a lovely excuse to practise some handlettering using the calliograph brush pens.

Summer Activity Ideas title on open journal page with orange brush pen

I first added a title to the middle of my A5 journal page using an orange calliograph pen.  I then brainstormed and added other activity ideas across the page using both the broad and fine nib of the calliograph brush pen.  The lettering can be decorative and take up space - have fun with the colours you choose too!

If you find there is space between ideas, don’t worry as you can add washi tape and stickers to fill any blank space and added a decorative touch too.

Completed page full of summer activity ideas with washi and stickers

Self Care for Parents

If you are facing a long summer juggling routines, childcare and work it can be that you find less time for things you enjoy.  As the saying goes, ‘You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup’ and I find this very relevant at this time of year. 

In order to ensure some balance remains, why not create a simple list of habits or activities you want to still make time for during the summer break.

Open journal with ‘Self Care’ title

For me this would certainly include journal time which I would most likely shift to the evenings or early mornings.  Consider what you can fit in to do with the children e.g. reading and getting outside too as these may be easier to achieve.

Finished list of 5 self-care ideas with added washi tape

Printable and Video

I hope you have found this article useful in helping you with ideas to manage the long school summer break while still making time for yourself.

Please take a look at the printable below to save you time setting up these pages in your journal.

Thumbnail of printable

Don’t forget to watch the video to see more on this process too.


Finished summer holiday calendar spread

If you liked these ideas, come and say hello @thejournalcorner for more journal inspiration.  We always love to see your creations, so please tag @archerandolive or use #aoshare on Instagram.

The Archer & Olive blog has a lot of articles to help inspire your journaling. There are 50 Bullet Journal Page Ideas for parents here and inspiration for a summer bucket list.  Even if you are not parent you may find help organising your summer in this article.  Also, for ideas on getting creative for yourself or the family, take a look at these sketching exercises.

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