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3 Moving Spread Ideas for your Bullet Journal + Free Printable

by Guest Blogger 13 Sep 2020 0 Comments

Hey people, it’s Temi from @Temi.Journals here. I recently moved into a new place and needed a whole lot of organisation for my packing lists, bills and furniture. I created these spreads which helped me and I hope they can help you too. I have also included a printable of the utilities spread which you can stick directly into your journal.

 House needs spread


What supplies will you need?

  • Journal - I’m using the Archer & Olive Dot Grid Notebook in A5 (Use TEMI10 for money off)
  • Archer & Olive Acrylograph Pen in Black (Use TEMI10 for money off)
  • Brush Pen - I’m using Sipa Japanese Calligraphy Pen (Use TemiJournals for money off)
  • Fineliner - I’m using the Faber Castell Pitt Pen
  • Washi Tape
  • Pencil and eraser


The House moving spread ideas I created

The spreads I will be showing you to create below include:

  • House needs - a floor plan which includes a list of things needed for each room
  • Utilities - a bills tracker spread
  • Furniture - a spread with washi tape placements of furniture for individual rooms

Note: I will not be showing a packing list spread, I found the Notes app on my phone to be the most effective method for recording this.


"HOUSE NEEDS" SPREAD - What does your house need?

The first step is to create a floor plan of your house. There is no need to draw it to scale but a good indication of the shape of the rooms and the sizes relative to eachother would be good. Also indicate where the doors and windows are. I used the 3mm Acrylograph to make thick walls and I left the windows and doors with thinner lines.

Basic floor plan of house


Label the rooms

Basic floor plan labelled


List everything you want to track for each room. I used this spread to record the furniture pieces I needed for each room. I used an open bullet point circle to indicate items I still needed to get and I filled the circle in after I had gotten them. The colours I put in little circles show my desired colour schemes for each room.

House needs spread complete


UTILITIES SPREAD - Which utilities need to move with you?

This is a simple spread which lists bills, dates and amounts. Though simple, it is very useful to help keep track of these expenses and the days they are due to come out.

 utilities spread


For a link to the printable of this spread, click here:

Printable Graphic


FURNITURE SPREAD - What furniture needs to move and what might it look like?

Following on from the list of furniture items required for each room from the House Needs Spread, the furniture spread shows a visual idea of the placement of these to best fit each room. 

The first step is to draw squares or rectangles with the exact shape of each room. Indicate where the doors and windows are as well as any blocked off areas.

Finally, I also indicated where the plug sockets in the room are as this affects where I can place furniture. I show this with the grey lines on the image.


furniture spread 1


Using washi tape, cut out various shapes to represent different pieces of furniture. Use as many colours as you would like, I used those three colours randomly. The size of washi tape does not need to be accurate, this spread is just a guide to understand the placement of various pieces of furniture.

washi tape furniture spread


Label the furniture pieces for greater clarity and you have the furniture spread! It is very simple but effective because you can remove the washi tape and play around with the positions of items as you please. You can do this on a large scale and add as much detail as you are comfortable with.

furniture washi tape spread complete  

I hope these spreads help you to organise your move - and good luck with it! If you decide to recreate any of these spreads, please tag me on Instagram @Temi.Journals so I can see it.

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