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Making A Spring Bucket List Bullet Journal Spread + FREE Printable

by Design Team 07 Dec 2021 0 Comments


Hi Friends! I’m Laura from @planningmyday on Instagram Today we’ll be talking about creating a Spring time bucket list for your journal.  Now that’s a fun topic that calls for a yummy cup of your favorite coffee or tea! 

I love writing up a bucket list for each new season or holiday. The bucket list reminds me to slow down long enough to make them come to be.  It reminds me of all the things I want to do that truly make my heart happy!

“Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

Isn’t it funny how we can become so busy doing LIFE, that we find we’ve stopped living LIFE! We come to find we’ve been moving so fast we’ve lost sight of what was most important.  Bucket lists help you redefine that every new season!

"Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back, and realize they were big things."

Sitting down each new season to compile my bucket list.. gives me pause for thought! What’s important? What makes me happy? What brings about a Memory I’ll want to write in my journal?  It’s the BIG things and the SMALL things! 

You know what else is really interesting… my bucket list changes from year to year!  Don’t you think it’d be fun to create a bucket list journal!  Each year Create 6-8 bucket lists fo different categories, and then see how they change from year to year, as you get older, and as your priorities and focuses change!

For now though,  let’s create our Spring time bucket list!

bucket list supplies


Tools you’ll Need For Your Spring Bucket list Journal Set up!

  • Archer & Olive A5 Signature Dot Grid Notebook
  • Archer & Olive Calliograph Water Based Ink Brush Pens JEWEL Selection
  • Archer & Olive Magic of Fall Sticker sheets
  • Archer & Olive Acrylograph Water Based Acrylic .7mm tip pens AWAKENING Pack
  • Your favorite black writing pen

finished spread


Here are some fun Springtime bucket list ideas to choose from:

  1. Go to dinner and the movies
  2. Go to a play and dinner
  3. Go on a picnic
  4. Go for a bike ride
  5. Go to the Farmers Market
  6. Plant some Spring flowers
  7. Go on a trip
  8. Read a book outside
  9. Dance in some rain puddles
  10. Go fly a kite
  11. Lay on a grassy hill and make pictures of the clouds
  12. Decorate your house for spring
  13. Go out for coffee with a girlfriends
  14. Plan a cook out with friends
  15. Go camping 
  16. Make a bird feeder
  17. Visit a botanical garden
  18. Host a tea party
  19. Make some Strawberry shortcake
  20. Feed the ducks

free printable

Print up the enclosed Bucket list printable and have some fun writing up yours! 


Steps To Decorating Your Own Spring Bucket List

I love to use stamps, therefore I started with some fun spring florals!

adding stamps

To color this I chose a stippling effect that you’ll see better in the video!

stippling close up

Here is any easy way to write large letters if you haven’t mastered the art of handwriting AKA me!


Using the brush pen make all downward strokes and then using the fine tip end, fill in all the upward strokes.


Enjoy this video where I show you how I created my Spring time bucket list journal spread! 

Well my friends I can’t wait to hear about some of the fun things you’re adding to your own Spring time bucket list!  Please take a moment to share in the comments below!

Also, be sure to come on over and say Hi on Instagram by clicking here!   

Use CODE "planningmyday10” and save 10% on your Archer & Olive purchase!

Visit my YouTube Channel for other content! 

Tag @Archerandolive,, #AOShare, and #archerandolive in your posts, we’d LOVE to see them!

Creative Hugs and til next time


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