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How To Use Washi Tapes In Your Bullet Journal + Free Printable Washi

by Nabaa Afridi 02 Oct 2020 2 Comments

Hello! It’s Nabaa from @whimsical.doodles on Instagram! If you clicked on this blog post then you’re either someone:

  • Hoarding piles of washi tape but not sure what to do with them (just me? Okay then 😂)
  • Or someone looking to try out washi tapes in their journal! 

archer and olive bundles

Either way, I’m going to run you through some fun ways to use washi tapes in your journal! I’ll also be sharing some free Printable Washi Tapes! Printable tapes are a great way to try out a bunch of different patterns without having to get whole rolls! Plus you can print these right at home - that’s how easy it is! You can print on regular printer paper and glue them or use a sticker sheet to make it easy to use. 

Find the free Washi Tape Printable here: 


Washi Tape Printable


Washi tapes are honestly such a brilliant invention! They are super cute and can be very functional if used that way. Here are some of my favorite ways to use it in my planner.


Washi Swatch Page

    A gread spread to have in your journal is a fun little washi swatch page! This allows you to see all your washi tapes at a quick glance and of course it just looks really cute!

    Washi Idea Bullet Journal

    Created by @katyindaeyo

    Washi Tape Ideas Bullet Journal

    Created by @sunshin_journal_


    Monthly Cover

      Looking for a minimal monthly cover page? Washi tape to the rescue! Check out some of these cute cover pages for inspiration!

      Bullet Journal Washi Cover Page

      Created by @avaguavastudies


      archer and olive review



        You can also use Washi Tapes to section off and create weeklies in your bullet journal. Here are some great examples on how to do this:

        Created by @thejournallife

        Created by @bujo.birdie

        Created by @_craftsnperks_


        Covering mistakes

          This has to be one of my favourite ways to use a washi tape! Made a mistake? Just cover it up! I’ve done this a few times when my lettering has gone wrong. Washi tapes are a quick and easy way to cover any mistakes!

          Created by @whimsical.doodles



          And finally we have decoration! Washi tapes make for a really easy way to decorate your spreads! Minimal, full blown design, or somewhere in between, you get to pick! 

          Created by @artsybec

          Created by @maplebujo

          Created by @whimsical.doodles

          archer and olive bundle

          I hope this has been helpful and has inspired you on how best to use your washi tapes! If you do print and use these washis, I’d love to see! Reach over on @whimsical.doodles or tag me!! 💛

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          25 Aug 2022 Karen

          Love these ideas thank you

          25 Aug 2022 Karen

          Love these ideas thank you

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