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How To Make A Recipe Bullet Journal + FREE Recipe Card Printable

by Design Team 27 Mar 2022 0 Comments

Hello friends, Crystal from @thecrystallinaperspective on Instagram and Youtube. Please remember to use the code CRYSTALP10 or my link to save on your Archer and Olive purchases. 

Recipes? Any One?

In today’s blog post, I am making a recipe spread or card. Recipe spreads are a great way to store all of your favorite recipes and meal preparation ideas. A recipe journal can be kept for future generations. It can be a family heirloom or just a fun way to store one’s favorite things. Regardless of what it is, a recipe spread is very simple to create. Before I ever get started creating a recipe spread, I also make sure that I don’t have the same spread in my recipe journal. You can also add a recipe spread to your curated bullet journal system. After I verify the recipe, I then look at my weekly meal planner and determine what I want to make. After I decide my meal, I can now plan out my recipe spread. This tutorial is very simple and requires very few supplies. 

bullet journal recipe spread

Supplies You’ll Need:

Let’s Create!

picture of the meal

To start off this recipe spread, we will start by cutting photos out and using them as a reference. I like to use photos to guide my recipe spread. I really like to add the finish look of the meal to my spread as well. For this particular spread, I printed a 4 by 6 photo and glued it to my page. The finished look also motivates me when it comes to actually getting in the kitchen. Cooking can be fun and can be intimidating. But, when I create a recipe spread, I get a lot of confidence and appreciation for what I am creating in the kitchen. For this particular recipe spread, I used a meal service that deliver meals with all the ingredients. These services are so convenient and offer so many different options for people to create quick meals. In the video tutorial, I share my experience with cooking and some of my favorite things to do with my meals.

The Basics 

basic information

The basics of a recipe spread are very simple: title/photo, ingredients, and directions. The title of this meal was on the recipe card so I didn’t have to write it. But when I am doing a recipe spread from a meal I’ve created from scratch, I write the title. After I lay down my photo, I focus on ingredients. I always try to challenge myself to use things that are found in my pantry.  After listing my ingredients, I like to list each step. The steps are the most important part of the spread. This is where the magic really happens. We are able to jot down step by step how to make our favorite dish. I also like to place reminders about different things such as how to season certain things. 

Wrapping Things Up

notes and memories

At the end of your recipe spread, some things that you can do is add a section to discuss the meal. You can write from prompts based on how you enjoyed the meal or how your family enjoyed the meal. This analysis will help to determine if your meal is one that should become a family favorite. This analysis also helps with figuring out what types of meals to create for yourself and your family in the future. Whatever you decide, remember to have fun and create memories. 

There’s so many things that you can do with a recipe spread. There’s so many ways that you create a spread, and there’s so much that can be done once you have a spread.  

Don’t forget to download the free printable!

free recipe card printable

If you decide to recreate any of these please tag @archerandolive, and use hashtags #AOShare and #archerandolive. You can find me on Instagram or YouTube: @TheCrystallinaPerspective 

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