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How To Make A Personalized Pop-Up Card For Any Occasion

by Ambassador Team 01 Sep 2023 0 Comments

Hi friends, it’s Vero from @verobujo on Instagram and Youtube, and today we are making the pop-up card below!

Pop up card

It’s a simple and fun way to elevate your next card for any event/occasion! 

What you’ll need

Remember to use code VERO10 for 10% off any purchase from 

Free Printable

The Card

Take the outside paper (mine is black) and fold it in half, then take the inside paper (pastel green for me) and mark the pastel green so that you can cut it down a fraction. The idea is for the inside paper to be slightly smaller than the outside card. 

Pop up card Instructions
We are then going to fold the paper in 4. You can choose to have each fold the same width or create them slightly uneven, as long as the mirrored folds are the same. 

The folded result should look like an M or W. 

Pop up card Instructions

Next we are going to cut out the pop up section where there'll be two windows peeping in to the decorative paper of your choice. 

I chose to cut 2 and a half squares from the borders, but you could do it a bit less or a bit more. 

Pop up card Instructions

Next, I'm going to place the decorative paper down on the black card. You need to fold the decoration in half and glue it so that the creases of the black card and your paper match up. 

Pop up card Instructions

Then place the pop up paper over the top and glue the two sides that don't have the cut out on to the paper. Your end result will look like this

pop up card intrusctions

I've added some other angles below:

pop up card instructions

pop up card instructions

I hope you enjoyed!

If you would like to watch me put it together see the video here:

Don't forget to tag me @verobujo on Instagram if you decide to recreate this! 

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