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How To: Indigenous Gratitude Quote Page

by Guest Blogger 26 Nov 2020 0 Comments

Hey-lo everyone! Marsha here from Do You Salut! Did you know that November is Native American Heritage Month here in the United States? This whole month is dedicated to the Indigenous peoples of North and South America. It's a time to learn more about their history and present and work towards a better future for them. If you are interested in learning more check out the National Museum of American Indian for information. Today's post is a quote from the Quero Apache prayer on gratitude.  The quote is : Looking behind I am filled with gratitude. Looking forward I am filled with vision. Looking upwards I'm filled with strength, Looking within I discover peace." 


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Step One: Draw the outline

The first thing you want to do is draw a box in the center of the page. This will serve as on outline of to keep your quote centered. For the big box I did 4 dots down and 6 dots across (left and right).Then lightly draw line inside of the box to use as a guide for the lettering. I counted 3 dots down then a horizontal line, then 2 boxes down, then 3 dots down. (This will make up the first line of the quote.) After that I skipped a line and repeated the previous steps. This will be the second line of the quote. I repeated this step twice for a total of 4 times. 


Step Two:  The Sketch 

Using the guide lines and pencil I gently wrote down the quote. (Acrylotip: be sure that the pencil markings are light. If not they will be seen under the Acrylograph pens.)

Step Three: Add Some Color! 

Now it's time to add some color, I really wanted to use neutral Earth toned colors for this spread. So I used brown for the words except for the key works: gratitude, vision, strength, and peace. 

After finishing the main words I added color to the key words, each word was colored using a different color. 


Step Four: Add Decorations

I decided to add feathers to the spread to remind me of the beautiful feathers from the traditional regalia. To draw the feathers I started with a dot and then made a curve or long arch from top to bottom. Then I repeated on the opposite side being sure that the bottoms touch. Then in the center of that oval I drew a line to represent the "spine" of the feather. Then I decorated the inside of the feathers with the Acrylograph pens, white or golden pens.  Et viola! 

Click here to download the Apache Prayer printable. 

If you recreate this spread be sure to tag us at @doyousalut and  @archerandolive  . Also use #shareao for a chance to be featured in our new community:

If you are interested in learning more about Native and Indigenous creators check out my post that features Native and Indigenous Instagram accounts to follow. 


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