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How To Create An Ideal Daily Routine Spread In Your Bullet Journal

by Content Team 17 Jun 2022 0 Comments

Hey friends, it’s Sarah from @essjay_florals and lately I have been thinking of ways to get myself more organised. I am someone that often procrastinates or gets stuck scrolling through social media and all those time waster activities, and before I know it, my day was not as productive as I expected it to be. So I had a think and decided it was time to create a Daily Routine spread, (I of course named mine an Ideal Daily Routine spread as I know this won’t be achievable all the time).

daily routine bullet journal spread example

So why create an ideal daily routine when you know you can’t always stick to it? Because a little aspiration never hurts, even if you are like me and never quite able to stick to routines this page can be very helpful. Having a routine written down, just like having goals or tasks written down helps you to actually attempt to get these things done. There is something about seeing it written down that helps make it seem achievable, I’m sure this is proven somewhere, but mostly  just anecdotal evidence from myself to back this claim up - ha ha. So, without further ado let’s get into how to go about creating one.

picture of bullet journal materials listed

 Here are the materials I used:

  • A&O Butterfly Wings A5 dot grid journal (you can grab one from here)
  • Pencil & eraser
  • Sakura of America Pigma Microns in size 01 & 05

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If you’d like to see me creating my Ideal Daily Routine spread, watch the video here:

Ideal Awake Hours

To start off, think of the ideal time for you to wake up and go to sleep (keep it realistic as you want it to be achievable or you won’t even attempt to stick to it). Once you have your awake hours create a timeline, mine is roughly 16 hours awake and I have made my timeline (just over) 32 squares.  Each square equates to half an hour. But of course, if your waking hours are more or less you can adjust as needed, but I found this the perfect formula for me.


Ideal Tasks Achieved

On a productive day what are the tasks you want to achieve, what are the tasks you’ll be excited to achieve? By making time for these fun tasks, it will help to make you want to actually try and stick to the routine.


But Also Tasks You NEED to Achieve

As much as it would be amazing to just focus on the tasks we want to, it’s important that we also leave time for those boring tasks we wish we didn’t have to do, like house work *sigh*. I allocated these tasks first and then added my fun tasks after.


Be Realistic

Particularly important for time allocation, if you aren’t allocating enough time for certain tasks, you may feel like you aren’t being productive with your time when really you didn’t give yourself enough time. I feel this is a super important step as nothing puts you off more than feeling like you are failing at something. Even consider building in a slight buffer into your time allocation so if the task gets done quicker you have extra “free” time. This time the positive reinforcement will make you want to stick with this routine.

full routine spread with timeline and activities at each time


Have Fun

As always, have fun with it, get creative, use colours, whatever you like to make the page a fun one that you want to look at and use! For me that looks like adding florals!

daily routine spread printable

If you’d like to use the template I created for an Ideal Daily Routine spread, download the free printable over here. I’ve included an extra hour; in case you are extra productive!

I’d love to see your Ideal Daily Routine, and don’t forget to tag myself at @essjay_florals & @archerandolive if you’d like to share.

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