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How To Create A Washi Tape Swatch Book

by Content Team 30 Jun 2022 1 comment

Hey! I’m Chloe from @bulletjournalbychloe and welcome back to another blog with me! Today Im going to show you all how to create a washi sample book. It is super easy and will be really helpful when choosing washi. Grab your washi and let's get to it. 

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A6 notebooks

  • Archer & Olive journal I've used the pocket size but any size will work 
  • Fine liners or black pen for details to write the brand and collection 
  • Washi tapes 
  • Ruler to cut the washi or scissors 

Okay… go grab your supplies and let’s start creating!

Getting started 

page with Washi Tape samples on

I have two boxes filled with washi that I carry around with me all the time in case I might need a piece of washi for what I’m currently working on. So to try and reduce this, I created a washi sample book. What I do is swatch all my washi inside this small pocket book (you don’t waste as much of the wash in a pocket size but any size will work) and keep this book with me when journaling rather than the box of washi. Once I’ve decided on the washi I need, I then go back to my desk and grab it! Nice and simple. You can also add the shop you bought it from and the collection so you can easily buy it again once it runs out. 

Okay, now I’ve convinced you as to why you need to create a washi sample book, grab your washi and get making!


Step 1

journals on side showing paper color

Get your supplies. You will need your washi and notebook. I have chosen the three pocket sized journals from a previous sub box so I can test out how the washi looks against different coloured backgrounds. I like to use Neapolitan journals so this is really handy if you too use Neapolitan. 

Step 2

close up of washi samples

Decide how you want to organise your washi. By colour? Design? Brand? Collection? I like to organise mine by brand. 

Step 3 

floral washi tapes swatched

Add a strip of each washi into your book. Leave a line to add the brand or collection that washi is from. I use the dots as a guide or you can use my printable to help you. 

And that’s it! Keep swatching until your full collection is in your handy pocket journal. Keep this journal with you when planning to save carrying around boxes of washi like me ;) 


Want to see more? Check out this video where I show you mine and how it works


Finally, make sure you grab your free printable as a guide or to print out for your journal:

Washi Tape template printable

I hope you enjoyed this blog! Make sure to tag me (@bulletjournalbychloe) and Archer and Olive (@archerandolive) in any of your recreations and use the hashtag #AOShare #archerandolive! Have fun exercising! 

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1 comment

22 Aug 2022 Bonnie L

Love this idea! So much so that I was creating a swatch book previous to seeing this haha!! I love how you separated by brand, I chose to do the searching by drawer – I have a clear holder with 3 drawers for Washi, so each time I get more the just go in order as they go in the drawers. Just another idea!

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