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How To Create A Vision Board For 2022 In Your Bullet Journal

by Design Team 23 Nov 2021 1 comment

Hey guys, Masha here from Masha Plans.

Today we will be creating probably the most fun and impactful page in my Bullet Journal - a vision board.

There are two main reasons I use it - for my goals and to make use of the law of attraction.

So first let’s look into this.



You’re probably thinking - why would you use a vision board and not some goals pages.

Well, the thing is - I’m actually using both.

Goals pages are pretty self-explanatory, but what does it all have to do with the vision board?

Well, before I sit down to work on my goals, I like having a clear idea of what I want from my life.

vision board ideas

My vision board is exactly that - an idea of how and what I want my life to be.

Simply by just looking at my vision board, I know what kind of goals I should set for myself to get the life I want.



The law of attraction is a belief that when you think positive thoughts you’ll achieve positive results.

Basically, if you create a vision board and envision exactly what are the great things you want from life - you’ll just get it.

However unlikely it seems, I’m actually here to attest that it is completely true.

I first created a vision board at the end of 2019, and now that I’m looking back at it I’m impressed by how many things actually came true.

vision board example

I don’t think it’s just esoterics through, I’m quite sure once I told my brain exactly what I want it started subconsciously finding ways to make these things happen.

So vision board is a very powerful tool and I’m definitely creating one every year!

This time, let’s do it together.



Here are the things I love using to create my vision board.

  • A square journal. I love creating a vision board in my current journal, it also makes it very fun to look back at the beginning of the journal with the vision board and compare it to how things are right now. But it’s also pretty useful to have your vision board in front of you all the time, so feel free to just use a piece of paper from your notepad and stick it to the wall.
  • Colored pens. I love using different colors to make things stand out more. For my vision board, I used Bewitch collection of Acrylograph Pens and I’m definitely charmed by them.
  • Stickers. When it comes to a vision board I love using stickers here. I used tons of Archer and Olive stickers, as well as some stickers of my own design. I actually created a whole set of printable stickers for the vision board, but unfortunately, my printer decided to run out of ink.

Remember that if you want to make a purchase from Archer and Olive you can use code MASHA10 to get 10% off your order.




Ok get your supplies ready and let’s dive in!

Step 1 is a list of the things you want to include in your vision board.

Just some main things you want to have and achieve in life.

Step 2 is sketching the page.

Because I’ll be mostly using stickers here, I sketched only the header for the vision board.

I feel like it’s a great saying and it’s a reminder that as the year goes my circumstances might change, what I want might change - and that’s ok.

header sketch

Step 3 is about creating pretty much an entire half of the page.

Here is a thing - every time I create a vision board, I include a letter there. It’s usually me describing in detail the life I want to have, but saying it as if I already had it.

I guess it’s just another manifestation technique, but I’m really enjoying writing these so no harm.

It made me double happy that this year I don’t have to create my own envelope to hide the letter, I can just use the beautiful ones from the last Subscription Box.


Step 4 is adding everything else.

I like my vision board to be spontaneous, so the way it usually works is - I look at the list, see what kind of sticker I can use to signify it, and add it. 

And then I repeat this process with everything on my list.

I usually get more creative and add some photos as well, or journaling cutouts, but this time for some reason I only allowed myself one page for the vision board, so had to go right into it.

full vision board



If you want to watch me create this vision board - here is the video.

It was a full-on improvisation, to be honest, but I had fun.

Can’t wait to see your vision board, be sure to tag me @mashaplans and @archerandolive on Instagram, we would love to see your creations.

Keep Bullet Journaling and Don’t Be A Blob!

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1 comment

25 Aug 2022 nanayechutsdiary (IG)

Thank you very much for sharing this. Amazing work. I’m inspired to make my vision board for 2022. Thank you again!

Also, my first time seeing a squared journal. Amazing! 😍

Stay creative and keep on inspiring. 😘

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