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How To Create A Geometric Bullet Journal Cover Page

by Content Team 28 Sep 2022 0 Comments

Hi Friends! It’s Rose here from @littlemissrose on Instagram and YouTube.  Today I’m going to show you how to make a quick and simple geometric cover page using just washi tape and watercolour paints.

Supplies needed:

bullet journal supplies

You can pick up all your supplies from Archer and Olive, make sure to use my affiliate code ROSE10 to get an additional 10% off your order!


1. Lay down your Washi Tape

Using some standard sized washi tape, lay it down on your page to create a border.  Make sure you really stick the washi tape down so that paint can’t get underneath it when it comes time to paint.

I decided to add my heading a third of the way down the page, so I stuck down some washi tape where I will later letter in my heading.

Washi Tape barrier

Next I used some thin washi tape (5mm wide) to create some geometric shapes on the page.  Again, make sure the washi tape is stuck down well.

washi pattern

2. Paint your Page

Once you’re happy with how you stuck down your washi tape.  Use watercolour paints to paint each shape.  You can choose a few colours or use a different colour for every single shape.  For my cover page I stuck with only 3 colours.

add watercolor

Let your pain fully dry before you move on to the next step.  If you don’t have watercolour paint, you can use any other kind of paint, felt pens, crayons, or coloured pencils.


3. Remove the Washi Tape

When the paint is dry slowly and carefully remove your washi tape.  A good tip for removing your washi tape is to pull it across the page instead of pulling it up and away from the page.  This will lessen the chances of ripping the page or removing paint from the page.

Remove the Washi Tape


4. Finish off your Cover Page

Add the final details to your cover page.  I used a green calliograph pen to add a heading and then finished off the page with a gold acrylograph pen.  I used the gold pen to add a border and highlights to the lettering.

add month

See how I created this cover page here:

If creating this yourself seems a bit too much, then you can download a printable I’ve created for you here.  All you need to do is add a heading and stick it in your notebook.

free bullet journal cover page printable

If you create your own geometric design cover page using washit tape and watercolour, we’d love to see it so please share by tagging @littlemissrose and @archerandolive in your creations!

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