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How To Create A Friendship Bullet Journal Page

by Maria Irina 30 Jul 2020 1 comment

Hello and welcome back to the blog. Masha here from Masha Plans.

Friendship day is on July 30th, so I thought it’d make sense to create something special for that occasion.

Today, I’ll be creating a friendship page in my memory journal and I hope you like this idea for your Bullet Journal as well!


First, of course, the supplies.

Archer and Olive Journal - this one is my favorite not only because I keep my wonderful memories there, but also because I think it’s the prettiest journal there is!

Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens - best fineliners if you ask me.

Zebra Clickart Markers - I love these, the colors are bright and happy and they allow for thinner lines. My everyday planning journal can’t really handle them - there is bleeding sometimes. But I can use them in Archer and Olive without any worries.

Friendship Bullet Journal Page Ideas

When I decided to create a special page for my friends - I really had so many ideas that I wasn’t sure what to choose!

Before I walk you through the one I ended up with, here are a few other ideas you might enjoy.

  1. Friends profile - birthdays, favorite foods, little quirks, and other cute details you learned about them during your friendship.
  2. Friendship stories - create a spread with little stories about your friends. How did you meet and become friends? What are the things you love to do together?
  3. Keep in touch tracker. Create a little spread to track that you’re keeping in touch with your friends, after each call you could make a little entry on what are the important things in their life. As life happens it’s so easy to lose touch, but this can be a spread to help you avoid it.

Friendships Memory Page

All these were great, but eventually, I chose something different. I picked a few bright memories I shared with my different friends and decided to create a huge memory page.

Of course, all together I had so many more things to remember, so many more beautiful moments to cherish. But I had to start somewhere and these are in a way the latest best memories, or at least from my last 5-6 years.

Step 1 - printing

First of all, I decided to add photos to this page.

memory page, photos, archer and olive

Let’s be honest - how often do you actually look through your phone camera? How often do you look back at some of the wonderful memories you managed to capture with your camera?

Probably not often! That’s why I love to add actual pictures to my Bullet Journal as well as my memory journal. It allows me to see them more often and create a kind of photo album.

So the first thing I did was to find the pictures I wanted to use and printed them out.

I have an HP SProcket printer at home, so I can easily do it at home. But if you don’t have a portable printer - you can always print it out outside, thankfully these days it’s easy and quite cheap.

Step 2 - page layout

Once I had my photos ready it was time to lay out the spread. As usual, I went to the pencil first so I could easily correct or move the things.

bullet journal, memory page, friendship page, bullet journal page idea, archer and olive, masha plans

Each photo for me was a cherished memory, it represented more than just that moment, but a whole set of connected memories.

A photo with two of my girlfriends who I’ve known since we were 5 years old brings all the memories we shared together and how special this entire friendship is.

Another photo that was taken during one of the farewell parties of my friend in China is a symbol of all the wonderful friendships I build during my time there.

When I look at this photo I remember all of my friends being there, together, happy and knowing for sure that these are the relationships we build for life.

Therefore I also wanted to include some text that would reflect these feelings and memories.

I added some quotes from my friends, lists with places we liked going together. Of course, I also had to add some cute doodles to reflect some of these.

Step 3 - add color

Finally, all that’s left is to color it in and add the photos.

bullet journal, bullet journal page, memory keeping, archer and olive, masha plans

Once it was done I had to add come filler elements and washi tape to areas that I thought were a bit too empty

Plan With Me

I wish I could create a printable so you can easily do your own friendship page, but I feel like it’s really a personal thing.

Instead, I’m leaving you with a Plan With Me video of how I was setting up my friendship page. How it will give you some ideas on what you’d like to add to yours!

Will you create a friendship page in your Bullet Journal? I hope so! And if you do be sure to tag me (@mashaplans) and @archerandolive on Instagram, we’d love to see your pages!

And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling and it’s ok to be a blob if you need to!

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1 comment

22 Aug 2022 Isadora

This was an amazing idea. Me and my bestie did this and it was so much fun! <3

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