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How To Create A Film Journal

by Ambassador Team 18 Aug 2023 0 Comments

I see so many lovely ideas for book journals but what if you are not a big reader?  Personally, I enjoy watching films or a good TV series more than reading.  Have you thought about how to keep a record of what you watch?  Maybe you would like to review films that leave an impression or ones that you would recommend to others. 

Example of old movie tracker list

Hello, it’s Alex (@TheJournalCorner) from the Archer and Olive ambassador team.  Today I am going to share some inspiration for a movie journal, including spread ideas and different review layouts. I will give you some examples of different pages to try and also include a free printable list you can access later in this blog.


Supplies needed

A5 black covered journalFor these activities, a Journal and pen will suffice, but there are some extras I enjoyed using if you want to get more creative.

  • Archer & Olive journal - white dot grid 
  • A selection of coloured pens like these calliographs 
  • Black fineliner
  • Pencil for outline planning
  • Printed images of movie posters
  • Sticky notes
  • An envelope
  • Archer & Olive notepad 
  • Scissors like these from archer and olive

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Movie Journal brainstorm

Open journal with header brainstorm and blue calliograph penTracking movies is something I have previously incorporated into my bullet journal.  However it was then difficult to refer back to once I had moved out of that journal every 6 months or so.  I have also used apps or my phone to list films watched but it is not the same. 

One important consideration is the time you have to keep upto date with a movie journal.  If you are watching films daily, you may not have time for a review and end up with a backlog of films to add.  Be realistic and either keep the films watched to a simple list, not full reviews, or only be more detailed with films you have loved or watched at the cinema.

At the start of any project, I brainstorm ideas for spreads and layouts that I wish to include.  I have used the back of a journal and a calliograph pen for the header. 

Open journal with some items listed under header brainstormI am going to create a review template page to keep consistent and allow space to print mini versions of the film posters.  You may want to include pages of your top 10 films of all time, perhaps with moveable sticky notes so it can be adjusted.  It could be lists of films to watch with a favourite actor or by a director you love.  Maybe there is a certain genre you want to watch more of and could research a list of the top films.

Completed brainstorm list in open journal

Film Review Page 

Open journal with pencilled review layoutHopefully you plan to review some films, even if just the ones you have really loved or that mean something to you.  For my review page I have included the following:

  • Film name 
  • Space for printed poster/image
  • Film Genre
  • Release Year and rating
  • Running Time
  • Where watched (streaming service? cinema?)
  • Director
  • Cast - main actors
  • Synopsis
  • Your review - what did you enjoy (or not)
  • Memorable scenes or quotes


Open journal with film review pageOf course you can adjust this to make it more time efficient.  I will probably include a more detailed review for films I have particularly loved which may take up a page in my journal. Generally speaking I will give a brief overview of other films, perhaps 3 per page.  

Open journal with space for synopsis and review notesPlease take a look at the printable film review page at the end of this blog to save you time setting one up.


Top 10 Film Lists

There are so many possible Top 10 lists for films, a few below to get you started.  Perhaps you can discuss these with a partner or friend to agree on the order or make individual lists!

Open journal double page with top films title and coloured paper pieces

Top 10 Spread Ideas for your Movie Journal 

  1. Favourite films (all genres)
  2. Films (by different genres - sci-fi, action, biography etc)
  3. Actors/Actresses
  4. Director
  5. Childhood Favourites
  6. Feel-Good Movies for Sad Days
  7. Films to enjoy with friends
  8. Films for a romantic evening
  9. Films when you have 3 hours +
  10. Film Series to Binge Watch

Something like your top 10 films or actors may change order over time so take a look at this example of how to create a changeable list using sticky notes from an Archer & Olive monthly kit.  You can then reorder your list as and when needed. 

Open journal with sticky notesAnother way to create an adjustable list and add some colour is by using a notepad like this pastel one from Archer & Olive.  I have cut this down into small sections leaving enough space for a film title.  These can then be used to add in your top 10 to a page in your journal.  If you want to move them around before attaching you can.  I would also recommend using washi tape so they can be moved again in the future as your top 10 choices may change or need new additions!

Top film title with pastel paper pieces

Movie Genre Picker

Open journal with title movie pickerI am sure we have all been on the sofa of an evening struggling to find something to watch.  This next page is meant to help with choosing a film by genre but could also be used with lists of actual films available to you. 

open journal with coloured notes of film names and genresYou need to first make a list of film genres - this works well on the Archer & Olive list notepad.  Then cut these up and find an envelope they will fit in.   I then attached this envelope onto a page in my journal and filled it with the notes.  You can then select one when inspiration is needed and maybe have a rule that you must stick to it! Choosing a genre may help at least narrow down an overwhelming selection of films. 

Finished page with envelope and title movie picker

Back Catalogue Movie List

You may find yourself with a new appreciation for an actor or director and want to go through a back catalogue of their movies.  

A simple list with movies name, year and where it is available to watch will make this more achievable.  You can also include checkboxes for when you have watched it.  The Archer & Olive dot grid planning stencil has a checkbox symbol to make this a quick setup.

List of film with actor pedro pascal as title

Movie Series Tracker

Often, films we enjoy are part of a larger franchise with many other connected movies.  Consider Star Wars, Marvel or even James Bond.

A checkpointed list can help you go through and watch these, ensuring you don’t miss any.  You may want to keep the list in release year order or check how to watch them chronologically by timeline (often different to release date).


Movie Review Printable 

If you don’t have time to create a review page, take a look at this printable for your journal instead.  It includes space for cast, running time and your own 5 star review!

film review printable



I have also created a video to show the process behind creating these spreads.



Complete film review page

I hope you have found some different ideas to inspire you today. It’s such a cosy time of year, perfect for watching a movie and then journaling about it!  For more journal inspiration come and say hello @thejournalcorner. We always love to see your creations, so please tag @archerandolive or use #aoshare on Instagram.

The Archer & Olive blog has several articles that you may enjoy further on this topic.  Here are some more ideas for movie tracker spreads and I love this idea for a ‘watching journal’.  You may want to take inspiration from book journals too like these review pages.

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