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How To Blend And Create Gradients with Acrylic Paint Pens

by Design Team 01 Mar 2022 0 Comments

Hey guys! It’s Chloe again from @bulletjournalbychloe and I’m showing you today how to use paint pens to create a gradient. I'll show you the best way I like to create gradients using my acrylographs. Make sure to check out the free printable at the end for you to practise making gradients for yourself. 

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  • Archer & Olive journal: Archer and olive paper is great for blending on
  • Acrylographs: I’ll be using different reds, oranges and blues to create two different gradients 
  • Pencil
  • Rubber
  • Black fine liners: to draw out your boxes, or you can just use my free printable

Okay… go grab your supplies and let’s start making gradients!

Get set up

printable layout

First of all, I have sectioned my page up with boxes. I use small boxes to swatch out each colour I am going to use and a larger, longer box for creating the gradient.

spread layout

At this point I also select the acrylographs I want to use. Make sure to choose different shades of the same colour to create the gradient. You can use my printable to help you create your grid.

pen selections


Swatch your colours 

Swatch your colours

Within the small boxes, swatch your chosen colours. This can help you decide what order you want to use them in. It is also great for deciding if you want to swap colours. Acrylographs are great for overlapping colours. If you want to change the colour choice, just wait for the pens to dry then colour over the top. 

Start blending 


Start with the darkest colour (this is my preference) and start colouring a third of the way. Now switch to your middle colour. Colour the middle section of your grid, leaving a small gap where the two colours meet. Now using both of the colours, you want to colour back and forth blending the colours together. This gradient section can be as short or as long as you like, depending on how long you want your gradient to look. Keep blending until you're happy with how it looks. Next you can add another gradient using the same method. 

And that’s it! That is how you can blend acrylographs to make gradients.


Want to see more? Check out this video to see how I made mine!


Finally, make sure you grab your free printable as a guide or to print out for your journal:

free printable

I hope you enjoyed this blog! Make sure to tag me (@bulletjournalbychloe) and Archer and Olive (@archerandolive) in any of your creations and use the hashtag #AOShare #archerandolive! Have fun getting crafty! 

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