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How To Add Creative Windows In Your Bullet Journal Or Junk Journal

by Ambassador Team 26 Jan 2023 0 Comments

Hi, @ConfidentCanvas here, and today I am going to teach you about creating “windows” in your journaling. Have you ever wanted to create a new, creative aesthetic in your journal but weren’t sure what to do? Are you afraid of tearing or ripping the pages in your journal? Do you want to use up some pages in journal to finish the journal without simply abandoning it? My creative window “view” will help!

Creative Windows

What is a Creative Window?

Hey y’all, heeeyyyy! It’s LaQuisha, also known as Confident Canvas on social media and I am an avid creative window creator! I love mixed media art and often rip and tear paper. I love the look of torn paper because of the texture it provides. The tears can be felt when touched and is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. This style also provides a simplified way to create art in journaling without the journaler (you!) without having to draw or paint. May this strategy be the catalyst to your own textured, artistic journey!

Creative Windows

Supplies For Journal Windows

To fulfill your journaling needs, I use the items on the list below but please note that there is much more you can use and do to push your journaling creativity! Please shop Archer and Olive using my code Queen for 10% off of your order—don’t forget this at checkout!

I am a teacher so I am aware that some of you might think to yourselves, “I need to see this!” Check out this informative video that explains this creative window strategy and gain some journaling ideas and inspiration!

How Do I Create Creative Windows?

Creative Windows

Creative windows are aesthetically pleasing, uses up journal pages and provides texture. This is a great way to add creativity to journal or planner without pulling out to many art supplies and keeping the focus on a page or spread you are proud of. With this technique, you can:

  • Zoom in on a focal point.
  • Feature your initial(s).
  • Tear 1 or many pages.
  • Create small or large windows.

Whatever you decide to do, it is sure to stop onlookers in their tracks.


Here's how to get started:

1. Plan in pencil how many pages you want to include, and where the focal point will be.

2. On the final page (the focal page), it can be easier to already create your spread so you can adjust the window placement and size if necessary.

 focal page of windows3. Now it's time to start making the windows. To make the initial tear in the page, use the edge of scissors or an exacto blade to push through the page. Then, carefully tear the required amount of paper away by hand, leaving a lovely textured rip effect.

4. If you are creating a layered window with several pages, start with the smallest window (the page closest to the focal page).

page 2 of layered window

5. Once all pages are ripped, view the windows all together and make any adjustment needed to size or placement of the rips.

6. Finally, decorate the windows in your style! Add ink to create a weathered effect, or stickers and drawings to really make the windows pop.

final page of layered window


Try Creative Windows Today!  

Creative Windows

I have used creative windows a lot and for a long time—it is almost an expectation that my journal is going to be torn when I pull a fresh one out of an Archer & Olive box! Please know that you should modify this to fit your needs. Whatever you decide, the goal is to be creative and innovative. Jump into your journal and get to tearing now that you have this strategy! I have included a printable reference to support you in your journey.

Creative Windows
I would love to see what you do! Tag me @confidentcanvas, and @archerandolive on Instagram, so that we can cheer you on!
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