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Guided Journaling Exercises for Each Phase of the Moon

by Bonnie Kuhl 08 Apr 2019 3 Comments

Guided Journaling for Each Phase of the Moon


The moon can be a powerful ruler of emotions. As the moon journeys through its phases, your mind, body and spirit transition into phases as well. Journaling throughout the lunar cycle is a powerful way to understand your bodies connection to this celestial event.

archer and olive bundles


How To Start A Moon Journal 

Your moon journal should be a completely separate and private place to share. Each journals has a living energy, so it's important to start fresh. Find a journal that connects with you. To get started, all you need are a blank journal, and a pen. 


Guided Journaling Exercises for Each Phase Of The Moon


Lunar Cycle Overview

Map out the lunar cycle. This does not have to be your first page, but it should be included in your journal.  Get creative with this page, or print out these affirmation cards found below to glue to their journal. It will serve as a reminder that all things are temporary. 


Journaling Exercises for Each Phase Of The Moon


Download The Affirmation Cards

Journaling For the Phases of the Moon


Journaling During the New Moon

The New Moon represents a fresh start. Gather all your intentions and release them into the universe. Set your focus and awareness on positive and loving intentions. Take care of yourself. Create what you have been dreaming about. 

Journal: your hopes, ambitions, and dreams! Let nothing hold you back.  


Journaling During the Waxing Crescent

The Waxing Crescent is a time to refine your vision. Gather strength and have confidence in your direction. You can achieve anything. You are powerful. You are a warrior. 

Journal: Your strengths. Refine your visions, and reach inside to find your confidence. 


Journaling During the First Quarter

The First Quarter Moon is a time to take action. When facing obstacles, take bold steps towards a positive change. Meditate on your intentions. Realize why they are important to you. 

Journal:  Your anxieties, your fears, and your action plan to let them go. Remember why you started, and persevere. 


Journaling During the Waxing Gibbous

The Waxing Gibbous is a time to trust that your intentions will bear the fruits of your labor. Align your hopes with the universe as you build up momentum. Continue to take action. 

Journal:  Your hopes, and outlook for the future.  


archer and olive journals


Journaling During the Full Moon

The Full Moon is in its most strong and powerful phase. Have gratitude for all that you have received and learned. Release all that no longer serves you. Open yourself up to harvest intentions and wishes from past moons. 

Journal:  Your gratitude. Journal all the ways you have experience abundance. 


Journaling During the Waning Gibbous

The Waning Gibbous is a time for reflection. Meditate on your intentions and give gratitude to the universe for all you have harvested. Share your wisdom, and celebrate the abundance. 

Journal: Your wisdom, and all the ways you are growing. 


Journaling During the Third Quarter

The Third Quarter Moon is a time for letting go. Release the negative energy and bad habits you that bind you, and cause you harm. Give back to the universe from a place of abundance.

Journal:  All the negative energy you need to let go of. Replace the negativity with your ideas for giving back.  


Journaling During the Waning Gibbous

The Waning Crescent is a time for rest. Take a few moments to restore positive energy. Nurture yourself. Your work is now done and you can move into the New Moon with an open heart. 

Journal: Reflect on how far you have come. Journal all the ways you have learned over the past moons. 


Journaling for Each Phase Of the Moon

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14 Oct 2019 Monique Henry

Are the journals pictures available for purchase?

01 Oct 2019 Silas Cowell

@AmandaRachLee on YouTube redirected me to this website and I love the moon Journal that was on this page! I personally have a crystal wellness and moon phase emotional power journal and used the 2 notebooks from this website. I used the completely black notebook with the.moon phases on it and used a dot grid notebook with a moon on it. Thank you so much! This gives me so much inspiration! – S.C.

23 Sep 2019 stephanie restrepo

Thank you! This was perfect <3

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