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Bullet Journal Grid Spacing Guides For All Notebook Sizes

by Guest Blogger 07 May 2021 1 comment

Hey guys, Masha here from Masha Plans.

There are so many amazing pages that can help you hack your Bullet Journal. There are tons of hacks and little cheats.

Today we’ll be talking about one of those, probably my favorite one - a grid spacing guide!


In two words - grid spacing guide is a cheat sheet on how to divide your journal page.

Think about it that way - every time you set up a weekly spread, you need to divide your page to create even boxes for your days and such.

If you have a grid guide, all you need to do is just look at the page and you’ll know how exactly to divide those.

It’s pretty easy to set up and today I’ll give you examples for all the sizes of Archer and Olive journals.

That way, when you sit down to create yours, you’ll already have all the measurements.

There is also a video at the end of the post if you want to see the process. There is also a free printable cheat sheet with all the measurements which you can use for guidance on creating your own grid guide.


A few words about the supplies I used.

First of all - all the journals:

For pens, I used Acrylograph pens as well as my favorite Zebra Mildliners.

If you want to get anything from Archer and Olive site you can use code MASHA10 to get 10% off your order.


Ok, here we go! 

I tried to divide journals by 7 when it makes sense, but not in all the notebooks. It’s really kind of up to you to decide how much you want to divide your page into.

Personally, I usually stop at 5, since I rarely use measurements beyond those.

My advice? Divide as much as you want and in time, you’ll see which ones you actually use and which ones are kind of unnecessary.

B6 Journal

For B6, I decided to add a bit more variety and went with the blackout pages.

It’s also so perfect to show off the beautiful colors of acrylograph pens!

b6 journal, blackout journal, grid guide, archer and olive, masha plans

Since the journal is pretty small, I decided to stop on just dividing by 4. It seemed unlikely for me to divide it even more.

In case it’s not clear on the image, here are the measurements:

Half: 11 squares horizontally, 16 squares vertically.

Third: 7 squares horizontally, 10 squares vertically

Quarter: 5 squares horizontally, 8 squares vertically.

A5 Journal

For A5, I went with a kraft journal and a completely different format for the grid guide.

grid spacing guide, masha plans, archer and olive, A5 journal, kraft journal

I really prefer having all the measurements on one side, preferably on the left. But this way, the divisions are kind of clearer.

Here are the measurements (the correct measurements, because I made a small mistake with my horizontal sixth measurement):

Half: 13 squares horizontally, 19 squares vertically

Third: 8 squares horizontally, 12 squares vertically

Quarter: 6 squares horizontally, 9 squares vertically

Fifth: 5 squares horizontally, 7 squares vertically

Sixth: 4 squares horizontally, 6 squares vertically

Seventh: 5 squares vertically

Travelers Journal

I love travel journals, which you can use for so many things!

travellers journal, archer and olive, grid spacing guide, masha plans

I must admit, I probably should’ve added more vertical measurements, but I kind of only thought about it when I sat down to edit my images.

Anyway, I don’t actually need more detailed measurements for my planning needs in this journal, so it works for me.

Here are the exact measurements:

Half: 9.5 squares horizontally, 19 squares vertically

Third: 6 squares horizontally, 12 squares vertically

Quarter: 4 squares horizontally, 9 squares vertically

Fifth: 7 squares vertically

Square Journal

What I like about this one is that it’s square, so I don’t have to create vertical and horizontal measurements.

bullet journal, square journal, archer and olive, grid spacing guide, masha plans

This grid guide came out looking pretty neat and super clean. There is beauty in things being even.

I’m really so in love with the square journal that I’m thinking of using it as my next Bullet Journal.

Here are the measurements:

Half: 18.5 squares

Third: 12 squares

Quarter: 9 squares

Fifth: 7 squares

Sixth: 6 squares

Seventh: 5 squares

B5 Journal

I have several B5 journals and I use most of them for creative purposes. But it’s still useful to have a grid guide.

B5 journal, masha plans, archer and olive, grid spacing guide

I tried using B5 size for planning and it was great when I had lots of things to do, but now my life is a bit more mundane (thank you COVID!) so I just can’t find enough things to fill out such large pages.

Anyways, here are the measurements:

Half: 16 squares horizontally, 23 squares vertically

Third: 9 squares horizontally, 15 squares vertically

Quarter: 8 squares horizontally, 11 squares vertically

Fifth: 6 squares horizontally, 9 squares vertically

Sixth: 5 squares horizontally, 7 squares vertically

Seventh: 4 squares horizontally, 6 squares vertically

US Letter Journal

This is the journal I got from the March subscription box and omg is it gorgeous!

grid spacing guide, masha plans, archer and olive, dot grid journal

This journal is A BEAST and I know It’ll definitely take some time figuring out how to use it. I actually was a bit afraid to even break into it, but thankfully creating a grid guide pushed me to finally take it out of the box.

So here are the measurements:

Half: 20 squares horizontally, 26 squares vertically

Third: 13 squares horizontally, 17 squares vertically

Quarter: 10 squares horizontally, 13 squares vertically

Fifth: 8 squares horizontally, 10 squares vertically

Sixth: 6 squares horizontally, 8 squares vertically

Seventh: 4 squares horizontally, 7 squares vertically

Plan With Me

Here is me setting up all these grid spacing guides. Each one took really very little time and yet they happened to be so very useful!

Free Printable

I created a cheat sheet printable with all those measurements so you can have it with you instead of needing to go back to this post all the time.

free printable, grid spacing guide, archer and olive, masha plans

I'm excited to see your take on a grid spacing guide, so be sure tag me @mashaplans and @archerandolive on Instagram.

Keep Bullet Journaling and Don’t Be A Blob!

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1 comment

25 Aug 2022 Sara

Thank you for the guide ‘cheat sheets’ they really do make life easier… Just a suggestion can you place measurements i.e. in cm, mm etc.
Personally I was thinking of purchasing the monthly calendar stickers but they come in different sizes so I wasn’t sure which would work as I won’t be receiving my package for a while I thought to jump ahead and get supplies ready beforehand.
Thank you ☺️

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