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Collage Style Weekly Bullet Journal Spread!

by Nabaa Afridi 31 Jan 2020 0 Comments

Hello! Nabaa here from @whimsical.doodles :) I'm so excited for this post - I’ve got a super fun collage style weekly today!

If you’re as obsessed with cute peg boards like I am, you’ll enjoy this! You don't need a lot of materials for this weekly spread. Let’s take a look!

Here are the materials used:

Collage Style Bullet Journal

Start by creating your “pegboard”. These peg squares are 3 x 3 in size using the dots in your journal as a guide. You’re going to create this frame all across one page and then start fading it off as you head to the second page.

Collage Style Bullet Journal

Now for the fun part! You can customize and set up any way you like but if you’d like to recreate the weekly, read on!

I played around with scraps of kraft and printer paper to sort out my days. I only planned for 5 days leaving out the weekend this time.

You can download a printable for the exact dimensions and pieces I used here!

Simply download and print to use as a reference or cut and use directly in your journal!

Collage Style Bujo Weekly

Once I had decided on a layout, I cut down the scraps to fit. For the white parts, I cut out paper from another journal! You can use any sort of paper you like. Start sticking down your different pieces. I went over the kraft paper with a white Gelly Roll pen. 

Collage Style Bullet JournalCollage Style Bullet Journal

The part I was most happy about was the little envelope! Mini Envelopes are a super fun way to add little notes and keepsakes to your spread. Use the printable here - print and use the envelope outline as a guide for your own kraft envelope! 

Collage Style Bullet Journal

For my "Thursday" section, I drew on a rectangle on the right page. This measured 9 rows and 13 columns. To draw this, draw a rectangle using your fineliner. Then add small circles along the top row. Connect the circles with small arcs! Finish by adding a thin drop shadow to make it pop up!

Collage Style Bullet Journal

 I realized the theme for my months - MOONS - was lacking a little so I quickly drew on a little crescent on top! You can find this drawing in the printable as well :)

Collage Style Bullet Journal

 To finish off, I added small details like another tiny moon, strips of washi tape, and dried flowers! Adding flowers to a spread is one of my favorite ways to create a "warm, cozy finish" to any layout!

Collage Style Bullet Journal

And there you go. This is my version of a cozy collage weekly! Let me know if you have any questions through the comments below or reach out over on @whimsical.doodles!


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