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Father's Day Doodle Ideas | Step By Step Doodle Tutorial

by Ambassador Team 04 Jun 2023 0 Comments

Hello, Jane Maday here, from @janemaday, with a blog post about celebrating dads on Father's Day. I like to record special moments with loved ones in my Archer and Olive B6  bujo diary. Memory keeping and family moments are important things I want to record, so I do a journal page every day. 

In this blog, I will show you a page in my journal where I drew Father's Day doodles, and at the end you will find a downloadable printout of step by step doodle instructions. 

Father's Day doodle page finished

Consider the things that remind you of your Dad, or other father figures in your life. I have tried to include a variety of doodles: Fishing, music, camping, tools, etc. These things all remind me of my husband, my children's father. 

Supplies that I used for this page are:


If you want to add color, gather assorted watercolors or markers. Alcohol markers will bleed through the page, so water-based markers are a better choice. 

If you wish to purchase any Archer and Olive products, you can get a 10% discount if you use my affiliate code: JaneMaday10



The first thing I do after gathering my supplies is to create a very loose sketch of my idea.  This step is really rough, just to get my ideas jotted down and an idea of the layout. Use a pencil, and draw lightly.  If you don’t want to doodle at this point, just indicate where the doodles will go, and jot down notes of what you will write.  

fathers day rough sketch


My next step is to create a pencil layout on the page.  I refine the drawings until they are ready to be inked. Try to keep erasing to a minimum, as that can damage the surface of the paper. If you are not sure about what you want to draw, try sketching it on a separate sheet of paper first. I work out the lettering at this stage, in preparation for inking.

fathers day tight pencil


Next, I go over all the pencil lines with a waterproof black fineliner pen. Let it dry for a few minutes before you erase all the pencil lines, so they don’t smear. Make sure that the pen is waterproof, or the lines will bleed if you add color! On this page, I didn't ink in the sketched hearts. Sometimes it is effective to have some elements on the page that are colored, but not outlined.

fathers day inked


The final step is to color in the doodles. I use markers, and sometimes a little watercolor. Calliograph markers are made for lettering, but they can be used for coloring effects too. Use whatever medium you feel comfortable with. If you don't want to create this as a page in your journal, try doing it as a card for that special dad in your life!

fathers day finished



This video shows how I created some of the doodles on this page.  You may find it helpful to watch this in conjunction with using the printable step by step instructions. 



Here is a printable page of step by step instructions for how I created the doodles on my journal page. I hope you enjoy them!

Father's Day printable

I’d love to see what you create, so tag me with @janemaday and use the hashtags #archerandolive,, and #AOShare. 

Take good care of yourselves, and remember, Spring will soon be here!  

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