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Bullet Journal Spring Cleaning Checklist Tutorial + FREE Printable!

by Design Team 09 Jan 2022 1 comment

Hi Friends! I’m Laura from @planningmyday on instagram, let’s talk Spring Cleaning shall we?  I know, I know, it’s not a real fun topic by any means, and about as fun as a trip to the dentist to get a root canal lol! But… with a different perspective Spring Cleaning can take on a whole new meaning! Me? I like to spring clean like it’s a Monday morning!!

I know you’re wondering at this point why I’m even bringing up Monday’s, for me every Monday is a fabulous chance for a New Beginning!  I’ve ALWAYS loved Monday’s … they’re just like January 1s, but once a week lol! Now how’s that for a fun perspective! 

Spring Cleaning is like a Monday for me! It’s a time to declutter and make fresh! It’s a new beginning for the environment of our home, our own little nook in the world where we live and make memories!  Our safe haven, where we are each accepted and loved. 

I once heard a friend say, CLUTTER is nothing more than postponed decisions!  Clutter in any home creates an environment of stress, anxiety and even affects our sleep.  When we have clutter around us, our minds move from being relaxed with the ability to focus, to becoming as cluttered and destracting as our home.

“Out of clutter, find simplicity.”
 Albert Einstein

I believe it’s one of the reasons those of us in the bullet journal/planner world love to plan!  It takes the chaos out of our minds and brings direction and guidance to our own lives on paper!

spring cleaning supplies

Tools you’ll Need for Your Spring Cleaning Journal Set up!

  • Archer & Olive A5 Signature Dot Grid Notebook
  • Archer & Olive Calliograph Water Based Ink Brush Pens JEWEL Selection
  • Archer & Olive Magic of Fall Sticker sheets
  • Archer & Olive Acrylograph Water Based Acrylic .7mm tip pens AWAKENING Pack
  • Your favorite black writing pen 

Let’s create a journal spread for Spring cleaning!

Spring cleaning b&w

First and foremost…. Print up the worksheet provided and list the 7 rooms/ areas you want to field day and declutter this Spring!

free spring cleaning checklist printable

Now list the top 4-6 projects you want to focus on in each area/ room!

Next look at your planner and schedule 1-2 days for each room, depending on the number of projects you want clean and declutter.

Create a play list of songs that’ll make you sing while you’re cleaning (no worries.. it’s like singing in the shower.. no ONE’s listening lol)

Next gather all your cleaning and decluttering supplies.  Trust me on this! I’ve been there! Here’s what happens if you don’t pre plan lol! This is how it goes, it’s  a great morning and you’re all set to start your project, bright and early! You’re motivated! Ready to go!  But… just as you start to get started .. you find you’re not as ready as you thought you were lol! By the time you gather everything to finally start.. the morning is half gone, you’re exhausted and DE-MOTIVATED..  and just like that,  you’re done before you’ve even started lol!

finished journal spread

Here are my Spring Cleaning steps for each room

  1. Declutter
  2. Clean windows, curtains 
  3. Light switches, ceiling fans and doors
  4. Dust and polish
  5. Clean all baseboards 
  6. Vacuum all rugs, wash mini rugs
  7. Sweep and wash floors

Tip for when you’re decluttering a drawer, closet or bin..

  1. Take everything out of the bin, drawer or closet!
  2. Hold each item up individually, ONLY looking at it ONE time!
  3. Then ask yourself 3 questions
  • Do I USE it?
  • Do I LOVE it?
  • Do I NEED it?

NOW you have 4 choices of where to put it, BACK in the closet or drawer, in the SELL box, GIVE AWAY box, or it in the TRASH bag!

Enjoy this video where I show you how I created my Spring Cleaning journal spread!  

Here are some close up photos of the details!

photo of lettering

photo of stickers

Well my friends, I hope this blog post has brought you to a different perspective on Spring Cleaning. 

Leave a comment below as to whether you look at it as a Monday fun day, or still like a visit to the dentist lol! Share some of your Spring Cleaning tips too!

Also, be sure to come on over and say Hi on Instagram by clicking here!   

Use CODE "planningmyday10” and save 10% on your Archer & Olive purchase!

Visit my YouTube Channel for other content! 

And feel free to tag @Archerandolive,, #AOShare, and #archerandolive in your posts!

Creative Hugs and  til next time


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1 comment

25 Aug 2022 margaret

where can i get this set?

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