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‘Pick-Me-Up’ Bullet Journal Spreads For Your Mental Health

by Ambassador Team 15 Dec 2022 0 Comments

Hi There! I’m Temi of @LivingLetterPlans and I’m sharing how you can create bullet journal spreads to help with your mental health. Bullet journaling has become one of my main ways of looking after and helping my mental health, and I’m going to show you some great bujo spread ideas that can help when you’re feeling low. Mental health struggles come in many different forms, and different things work for different people. For me, these bujo spreads help with stress, generally feeling low or tired and anxiety ranging from mild to moderate. I call these mental health spreads my ‘Pick-Me-Up’ spreads – bullet journal pages I can turn to for ideas to help manage and improve my mental health.

Feeling low? Mental health Bullet journal spread


Recommended items to create your ‘Pick-Me-Up’ Spread

The Notebook:

The Pens:

hand creating feeling low Pick-me-up spread


What is a ‘Pick-Me-Up’ bullet journal spread?

My pick me up spreads are usually a double page bullet journal spread with ideas of things to do when I’m struggling with my mental health, which includes some self-care ideas. I keep these pages marked in my bullet journal and turn to them when I’m lost for ideas on what to do in the moment to help with my mental health. Plus, I like to spend time decorating these journaling pages, as it’s a pleasant lift to look at, and an enjoyable mindful activity! My mental health ‘Pick-Me-Up’ spreads usually come in three different versions, with three titles:

  • Feeling Low?
  • I Feel My Best When…
  • (Seasonal) Self-care
Feeling low? Mental health pick-me-up spread Oct


Feeling Low?

Sometimes, my mental health can get into a state when I can feel confused, tired, and overwhelmed. So, having a page where I can quickly get some simple ideas for things I can do immediately, is really helpful when I might not be able to think of them myself. I try to stick to six categories maximum, so not too overwhelming, and keep a good mix of simple things to do. These will be absolutely individual to you, so it’s important to know what works best for you. I’ll touch on finding these ideas later in the blog.

Feeling low? Pick-me-up mental health spread


I Feel my Best When…

These ‘pick-Me-Up’ spreads are a little bit more of a reminder of things to keep up, to avoid my mental health getting worse. Think of them as preventatives. Things like; not putting off tasks, staying active, not becoming too isolated.

I feel my best when... Mental Health Pick-me-up spread


Seasonal Self – Care

I think of these spreads as a self-care menu. I’m sure like many of you, life can get very hectic, so I sometimes need to schedule in time for self-care. So when I have a time of self-care added to my planner, I come to these pages to pick what I want to do in that time. It’s like a spa menu, and let’s face it self-care is always good for your mental health.

Autumn Winter Self care Mental health Pick-me-up bullet journal spread


Using my Mood Tracker

I get the ideas for things to add to these mental health spreads from my mood tracker. I add notes of what I did, to the times when I’m particularly happy, and keep a record of them to add to these pages. It makes it easier to think of ideas, and you might be surprised to find what actually makes you feel better, rather than generic things that might not work for you! 

mood tracker bullet journal spread with notes


Creating Your Mental Health Spread

Here's 4 step to creating your own mental health 'Pick-Me-Up' spread, with a video showing you how I create mine. 
  1. Pick a Spread – choose which of the three types of spreads (or one of your own!) that you’d like to create and decide what you want to add. What do you want to use the spread for, and what do you want to get out of it? I’ve added some ideas for you in the printables with this blog!
  2. Choose a layout – Depending on how many ideas you have; you can split the page accordingly. A grid template page comes in really handy here, if you know how many dots to divide your page into a certain number. Either that, or I like to draw out boxes a little more randomly to let my creativity flow freely (this does take practice though). Again, you can find some layout ideas in the printables at the end of this blog!
  3. Add your ideas and enjoy decorating your page in your style. I usually go with the theme I have for the month.
  4. Use the page! It’s very easy to create these pages, then never use them. Flick back through your journal often, or mark these pages for an easy find!

Need some help creating your own? Here's a printable with lots of spread ideas and a few templates you can print out and put in your journal to get you started:

free mental health bullet journal printable 

I’d love to see how you use your bullet Journal to help with your Mental Health. Share your ‘Pick-Me-Up’ Spreads and tag us @archerandolive,, @LivingLetterPlans and use the hashtags #AOShare and #archerandolive. Happy journaling! 

Did you enjoy this blog about creating Mental health spreads? Then you might enjoy this blog about 'Consistent Morning Routines that Improve Mental Health.'

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