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Bullet Journal Layouts for the Vernal Equinox

by Bonnie Kuhl 08 Mar 2019 1 comment

Bullet Journal Layouts for the Vernal Equinox


The Vernal Equinox is a spiritual time that leaves your soul feeling refreshed. During the Vernal Equinox, the day lasts just as long as the night. The world is in balance. It's a time to embrace the sun and discover balance in your own life. The spring is an opportunity to start over. Start fresh. Leave behind the cold winter days. Focus on resurrection and embrace this season of growth. This is a great time to begin a journal. Below are four great layouts you can create in your bullet journal to embrace the sun, and begin a transformation in your own life.


1. Look to the future


Bullet journal layouts for the vernal equinox



Setting resolutions and looking to the future is usually associated with the beginning of the year. But the Vernal Equinox is a lovely time to re-evaluate and set new priorities. In your life, as in nature, things are constantly moving, changing and growing. Your goals may have shifted, and the Vernal Equinox is a great time to look ahead once more, and prepare for growth. 



2. Setting Intentions


Bullet Journal Layouts for the Vernal Equinox



When you set a clear and defined intention, you will notice a shift in the way you respond to situations. You allow yourself to accept opportunities that are in harmony with your intentions. Setting your intentions at the beginning of a season is the first step in manifesting your personal and professional goals.



3. Love yourself


Bullet Journal Layouts for the Vernal Equinox



The cold winter months may have left you with an icy heart. As it begins to thaw, focus on loving yourself first. When you hold yourself in high esteem, you experience more enjoyment and cary that positive attitude with you into the future. Self love motivates you to adopt healthy habits and encourages you to take care of your mental, physical, and spiritual self. 



4. Clear the Clutter 


Bullet Journal Layouts for the Vernal Equinox



The Vernal Equinox is a wonderful time to let go of all you've been holding onto during the long winter months. Cleaning leaves you with a sense of satisfaction and peace that you can take with you into other areas of your life. Having an clean and organized dwelling fosters a sense of calm. Once you step inside your residence you can leave the noise, confusion and chaos behind you. 

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1 comment


Thoughtful ideas. Thank you.

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