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A Quick + Easy Gratitude Log Set Up For Giving Thanks!

by Content Team 09 Jun 2022 0 Comments

Hi all! Ali here, from, bringing you a super simple gratitude log for giving thanks all month!

Gratitude practices are great for your mental health. They are known to reduce stress, encourage better sleep, and show appreciation for things in your life. The theme of thankfulness is common this time of year but this log is so easy it can become a page in your monthly set up all year long!


  1. Your AO notebook
  2. Your favorite fall color Calliographs
  3. A pen
  4. Any stickers and washi

gratitude log supplies


Add a header at the top of your page. I like to hand letter it with my Calliographs but you can use stickers or print it out and glue it. Then, my favorite part, decorating! I’m partial to seasonal florals so I used some sunflowers and fall color washi tape to decorate around the border of the page. Finally, I add some color by alternating Calliograph lines and numbering the 30 days in November so I can add one thought per day.

gratitude log spread

It’s that simple! It’s so easy to create gratitude practices to transform your day, month, and year. Take care of your mental health all year round!

close up at spread decoration

If you want to skip some steps, you can print my free printable and color it in for your November page!

free gratitude log printable

Thanks so much for reading my blog this month! Be sure to check out my other photos and ideas!

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