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50 More Cool Ways To Use Your Archer & Olive Notebooks

by Guest Blogger 03 May 2021 6 Comments

Hi friends, I’m Robin also known as Crafty Planner Queen you can find me on Instagram @crafty planner_queen. Please don’t forget to use my affiliate code (CPQ10) to receive discounts on your Archer & Olive purchases.

As a planner/journal enthusiast I get super excited when I receive those gorgeous Archer & Olive boxes in the mail. I know so many of you share in this joy & we are all anxiously awaiting the newest releases to drop. It’s easy to feel guilty about collecting so many new notebooks when you haven’t used the ones in your stash. Have you ever wondered to yourself, what am I going to do with all these beautiful notebooks?

Well, you are not alone! There are many people who share the same joy of buying these amazing journals/notebooks but often struggle with how to fill them. Not to worry because I have created 50 ways that you can stop hoarding & start creating! (As an A & O affiliate I receive some products as a gift, which means my notebooks are always piling up)

Some of these ideas are pretty straightforward while others are specific & some totally outside the box. I’ll be highlighting some of my all time favorite ways I’m currently using mine as well as some of those unconventional ways.


  • All the Archer & Olive Notebooks/Journals you can get your hands on

One of the things that makes these notebooks so intriguing is the versatility. You can get covers that are cloth, leather, minimalist, artsy, etc The emblems are always so striking and there loads of variations in size/color. Below you’ll find a free printable that maps out all 50 ideas for using your notebooks. 


This list was a labor of love but I really wanted to give as many options as possible for all those beautiful notebooks/journals we’ve collected. You know there’s always a new release around the corner! I’m going to be highlighting some of my favorite ways to use these notebooks/journals as well as explaining some other non-conventional ideas. 

#18 and #19 on the list are examples of very specific ways to use an Archer & Olive Notebook. Many people have journeys of pregnancy or sobriety that have many memory worthy milestones, so why note have a journal specifically for those purposes. It would be amazing to look back on in a year or 2 to see your growth! 

#26 and #20 on the list are amazing ways to stay up on your mental health & wellness. Tracking goals is a way to hold yourself accountable, reward yourself & achieve excellence in all areas of your life. Mood tracking is essential to explore patterns of rises & falls in your overall emotions & behavior and make necessary changes. I often merge the 2 with cute doodles & themes. 

#9 on the list has become one of my personal favs! I’ve been keeping a moon journal for the past several years and still get so many questions about it. Ultimately, if you’ve always loved astrology & cosmic forces as I have, it would be a very cool addition to your journal chronicles. Moon journaling has helped me force a deeper connection with the lunar phases and learn so much about the Moon. 

Another way I use my Archer & Olive notebooks is for #23 on the list which is an Art Journal. 
This way allows me to simply be expressive & have fun! I use paints, distressed inks, acrylograph pens, glitter, and any other mixed media that makes me happy. 

I hope this list will inspire you to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new. I always enjoy using empty notebooks especially for things like #35 new date night ideas and #43 for all the holiday plans & fun. I’m thinking of starting a notebook for gardening or plants and maybe even one for a new scrapbook. I urge you to print out this list, highlight ones you already have and circle ones to try in the future. Pull in friends or loved ones to make it interactive and engaging. There’s nothing wrong with collecting things you love and giving them purpose! Hope you enjoyed this blog & continue to use each day as an opportunity to <Craft.Plan.Heal> 




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08 Jul 2021 Tahlia

Thanks for sharing

08 Jul 2021 Jewel Parker

Nice! Love the list. Can’t wait to incorporate some of these ideas into my daily journals and planners. Thanks crafty planner queen!

08 Jul 2021 Monique

This is a great article. So many neat ideas that I honestly never thought of. Thanks for the printable list! I will be referring to it!

08 Jul 2021 Alicia

This was such an Amazing article and so helpful! I often struggle on finding ways to use my journals, this article has made me excited to jump in a try abfew ideas! Thank you for the awesome download.

08 Jul 2021 Eunice Handy

Great ideas and super creative! Hope to see more from you!!

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