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5 Wedding Planning Bullet Journal Spreads To Get You Started

by Ambassador Team 21 May 2023 0 Comments

Hi There! It’s Temi of Living Letter Plans, reminiscing back to the days of planning my wedding those years ago, by bringing you 5 Wedding Planning spread ideas to get you started on your way to wedded planning bliss! The spreads are some fun and simple ideas you can either include in your bullet journal, or use to start creating a wedding journal as a keepsake, it’s up to you!

Wedding planning spread

Items used to created these spreads:


The florals

If you’ve followed me on Instagram for a while, you will know that I always decorate my spreads with florals. I’ve done another blog showing you 15+ floral designs you can use in your journal. You can make your florals the same colour as your wedding’s chosen theme, or go wild an let colours loose on the page!

If you’re wanting a quicker way to decorate your spread, I’ve create some printable floral designs that you can stick in your journal with some washi tape to create some pretty pages. floral stickers printable

Wedding Overview Spread

This spread is a really fun one to fill out, either as you go on with your planning, or at the start to envisage what you want your wedding to look like. This spread may look complicated, but it’s so easy to do with the Dot Grip planning Stencil. It includes an order of the day, colour scheme, date, wedding dress, flowers and chosen style/theme of the wedding.

 Wedding overview spread

I've created a Youtube video showing you in more detail how to create this spread using the tools listed above! 


Quote spreads

You all know I’m obsessed with quote spreads, and when planning a weddings, it’s very easy to focus on the details, planning, and potentially stressful things, so it’s great to have quote pages to keep you grounded, and remind you what matters most. It can be things you love about your life partner to be, quotes about love, bible verses, a reading you want at your wedding, it’s up to you. These are also great to create while you might be feeling stressed – as someone who loves getting creative, I find doodling and calligraphy a wonderfully mindful activity, to help you focus on the moment and have some calm!

 Quote Bujo spread

Wedding Countdown

I know when I was planning my wedding, as the days got closer I got more and more excited, so what a great way to build some excitement that with a countdown page! This is a fun one to fill out, but also helps to clearly see how long you have left, and what tasks you might need to start doing. Which moves me on nicely to the next spread….

 Wedding Countdown Spread

To Do Lists

This is the most simple, but most practical of the 5 spreads, categorized to do lists. Planning a wedding is one massive to do list, so breaking it down into categories will help things stay a bit more manageable, but also it’s nice to have a pretty page to look at when going through what can be an overwhelming to do list!

 To Do list spread

Mood Board

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love a mood board! This spread is so helpful for creating a visual of your wedding, and cutting and sticking is a heck of a lot of fun! Grab you brochures, wedding magazines and fabrics, and cut and stick to your hearts content. The great thing about this spread and the to-do list spreads is you can create as many as you like and fill up your bujo!

 Mood Board Bujo Spread

I hope these 5 journal spreads will help you on your way to planning the wedding of your dreams, whilst also getting creative and having fun! I’d love to see your wedding planning spreads, so share them on Instagram and tag us at @archerandolive and @livingletterplans! If you’ve enjoy this blog, you’ll love this blog on Starting A Wedding Memory Keeping Journal!  

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