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5 Different Types of To-Do Lists for School + Free Printable!

by Guest Blogger 15 Sep 2020 0 Comments

Hello, I am Susan from @study.susan. I am going to show you how to make five different types of to-do lists in your bullet journal and/or notepad that will help you get organized for the new school year. It is easy to feel overwhelmed with the amount of homework, projects, assignments, exam dates, and deadlines that are given to you at the beginning of the term, but with some simple lists to keep you on track, it can make starting the new term less overwhelming.

I am going to show you how I make to-do lists for school. These lists range from overview lists for the whole month or term to daily to-do lists. Continue reading to learn about how I make to-do lists for school.

My supply list:

1. Overview calendar to-do list

A basic calendar spread is helpful for seeing upcoming events all on one page, such as exams, quizzes, assignment due date, and important meetings. For a busy month, I would use a full spread (i.e., two pages side by side) compared to only half a spread (i.e., one page) for a non-busy month. I would make sure to leave myself extra space in each box so that I am able to have a running list of upcoming exams, quizzes, assignment due dates, and meetings. This is the best way to ensure you’re keeping up with your classes and not missing any deadlines.

2. Block scheduling to-do list

Block scheduling is essentially a hybrid of a to-do list and a calendar. It’s a great way to organize your day into time slots along with listing out everything you need to do during that time. To create this list, start by adding a timeline on the side of the page or a box. The timeline can run for the full 24 hours or you can pick a specific time (e.g., when you wake up in the morning to when you go to bed at night). Then, add boxes to block out your day along with having a running to-do list for the allotted time.

I like to block out my classes and meetings first since those have specific times. After that, I will block out time for studying. By allocating your tasks throughout the day, it will help you complete your tasks in a timely manner. It is an efficient way to know exactly when and what to do during a given time. This type of to-do list can be done in a weekly spread or a daily spread.

3. Individual classes to-do list

A to-do list based on individual classes is having multiple to-do lists on a single page but each list is for a specific class. To create this list, sketch out a bunch of boxes, making sure there’s room for all your classes. Then, label them according to what class you are taking.

This type of list will help you organize and see what tasks you need to do for a specific class. With a more organized to-do list, it will help you prioritize your tasks better. This type of to-do list is great for creating a daily to-do list, but also, can be used for a weekly to-do list.

4. Classic to-do list

Sometimes the best way to get started on your tasks is to list out everything that needs to be done without worrying about organizing or categorizing your list. This is a great way to get your thoughts onto paper, so you don’t forget any tasks that you want to accomplish. For this type of to-do list, I love using a notepad since I can easily write down my tasks without needing to turn any pages to find a blank page.

A notepad can sit on my desk while I work without taking up too much space, so it’s super convenient. Plus, I can easily rip the page out when I am done and start a new to-do list. Though, this type of list can be made in a journal as well. As shown, I am using the Archer and Olive Travel notebook. The skinny design of the notebook makes it great for writing long to-do lists. Since there are no categories, this type of to-do list is great for listing out daily, weekly, or monthly tasks.


5. Combination to-do list

Since there is never one way or a correct way to create a to-do list, it is entirely up to you with what kind of to-do list you want to create because you want the to-do list to be functional for you. Sometimes this list may be a hybrid of everything that I have mentioned. One of my favorite types of to-do list to make is a fusion between a block scheduling to-do list and a classic to-do list that I would use as a daily to-do list. This type of spread allows me to quickly see what kind of events (i.e., classes, exams, quizzes, and assignment due dates) I have for that specific day while giving me space to jot down any tasks I want to accomplish without having to worry about assigning a specific time or day for it.

These are a few to-do lists that I like to create throughout the school year. I always change up which list I go with depending on how busy I am and how much time I have to create my to-do lists.

Though, with any to-do lists you create, the most important goal is to make it functional and useful for your personal habits. If a specific to-do list doesn’t work for you, don’t keep creating it. Try a new to-do list style, and eventually, you will find one that works well for you!

I created some FREE to-do list printable based on the five to-do lists I talked about. Feel free to download them to try!

For more study and bullet journal inspiration, make sure to follow me (@study.susan) on Instagram. I hope you find these to-do lists helpful. Have an amazing and productive school year~

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