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3 Ways to Decorate Your Thanksgiving Table | Simply DIY Thanksgiving Ideas

by Content Team 05 Aug 2022 0 Comments

Hello! Ericka from @Crafteinated with some simple DIY ideas for your Thanksgiving table! If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, you can adapt these ideas to any special dinner. 

These simple crafts are perfect for any age to partake in. You can customize all three of the below activities.

I love the holidays and doing some simple activities you can make your home so festive and welcoming!


Supplies used:

thanksgiving supplies

All the supplies you will need!

Grateful Confetti:

  • Bag of small leaves
  • Thick pen

Thankful Tag:

  • Paper trimmer
  • Silverware 
  • Cloth napkin
  • Twine
  • Paper (I used Kraft)
  • Corner rounder (optional)
  • Tag punch (can use scissors and hole punch)
  • Calliographs 

Name Tag:

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Grateful Confetti 

making confetti

First, we are going to make our grateful confetti! The confetti is such an easy DIY craft, and it would be so fun to get the whole family involved, even the kids! You could have everyone write a few things they are grateful for and sprinkle the confetti around the table. 

write on names

I had some artificial leaves I bought last Thanksgiving and a pen to make these. I just went through and wrote things I was grateful for, like my family, friends, pets, etc. It is an enjoyable idea to get everybody in a thankful mood before Thanksgiving dinner!


Thankful Tag 

making tags

The next item we will do is a "Thankful Tag" for the place settings. The tag is a relatively simple craft that will add personalization to your table decor.

The first thing you will want to do is cut your paper down to the size that you want. Since my tag topper is 2 inches wide, I cut my paper at 2 inches by 4 inches. If you are not using this type of tag topper punch, you have more flexibility in sizing.

tag puncher

I then punch the piece of paper. If you do not have the tag topper punch, you can cut corners off on either side and use a hole punch in the middle. 

I used my rounded corner to round the two bottom corners. This step is optional. 


I then use my Calliograph to write my sentiment. I chose writing "Thankful for you."

In the video, I watched how I folded my cloth napkin to make this cute pocket. I found this simple template online on a folding napkin website. 

decorating napkin

After I slid the silverware into the pocket, I used y twine to tie around the napkin and finish with a bow. The tag fits nicely between the cloth pocket and the twine bow. I added a bit of the same twine above the tag itself for a bit of interest. 

How cute is this? You can use this regardless of how many people come to dinner. 

Name Tag

name tag template

Finally, we will make our name tags! Name tags can also be practical if you need to assign seats. 

I have included a printable you can use as a template for this super quick and easy activity. 

cutting the template

First, you must cut the piece out on the solid line, leaving the dashed line intact. I like printing these out on more sturdy cardstock than typical printer paper. 

gluing the template

Once you have cut your tag out, you will want to fold it on the dashed line. I folded my printed side to the inside so it would not be visible. 

decorating the template

I used the wide washi in the middle of the tag. Use whatever you have on hand because we will be removing this! I stamped designs around the washi in no particular order. 

writing the nameplate

I added my name with the calliograph in the empty space that was left by the thick washi after it was removed. I also added some gold elements with the acrylograph. 

You can get so creative with this and do anything that you want!


Finished table setting 

finished table setting

Now you have finished your table setting! The projects took no time, and they add so much to your festivities!



The place setting you can download and print can be another fun activity the whole family can do together! 

Download and print the template here:

thanksgiving name tag



Please check out the video below if you want to see me create these items and talk through my process:

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! If you recreate this tutorial or use the printable, please share your creation using the #archerandolivecommunity hashtag! I'd love to see what you create!

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