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3 Fun Ways to Bujo Your Goals

by Guest Blogger 16 Apr 2021 0 Comments

Hi friends, I’m Robin also known as Crafty Planner Queen you can find me on Instagram @crafty planner_queen. I’m a decorative planner, bujo lover and a mental health therapist. I’m an advocate for goalsetting and believe we have to make it interesting in our planners and bullet journals so it doesn’t bore us.

I have a few ways that I love to set goals in my Archer & Olive Bullet Journals that highlight minimalist & decorative aesthetics. I’m a firm believer that nothing is real until we put in on paper, so let’s not leave those amazing goals & aspirations in our minds. 


- Archer and Olive Green Undated Planner 

- Archer and Olive Clear A5 Journal Cover 

- Archer and Olive Acrylograph pens

- Archer and Olive “Journey” Sticker Pack 

- White Sakura Jelly Roll Pen & Black Papermate Flair Pen 

- Quotes from Black and White Stickerbook by HP

There are so many ways to become a great goal setter, ultimately you have to do what works best for you. These 3 methods have been extremely successful for me. The focus is simple, achievable goals broken into categories  and using time markers to guide you. One major thing I’ve been doing in recent years is breaking the 12 month year down into 4 quarters. I also don’t exceed 12 yearly goals (Approx. 3 goals can be accomplished per quarter or 1 per month)


* This style focuses on simply putting pen to paper and dumping out your main goals for the year*

Here are a few tips to make your goal brain dump successful: 

- Don’t exceed 12 goals for the year (12 months/12 goals)

- Use small bubbles so you can fill them in once goal is accomplished 

- Be specific as possible 



*This style allows us to use the yearly view from option 1 to break your goals down by quarters*

Here are a few tips for this style: 

- the 12 month year broken down into 4 quarters = 4 bujo circles/ at least 3 goals in each  quarter of the year 

- don’t fret if you accomplish a goal earlier or later than expected, the goal is to get it down before the end of the last quarter of the year 

- use cute stickers or doodles to make goals engaging 

- Quarters Example

1: Jan-Mar

2: Apr-Jun

3: Jul-Sep

4: Oct-Dec



* This style is for the person who wants increased accountability. It’s the ultimate breakdown of what needs to be done daily, weekly & monthly to make your goals a reality*

Here are a few tips to make the “break it down” method work for you: 

- Examine your overall goals and break them a part to small things you can do daily/weekly to achieve success each month 

- Look at your goals in slices rather than the whole pie 

- use color coding or inspirational stickers/bujo drawings 

- Create your action plan with specific dates that coincide with your quarters from option 2 

 The most important thing to remember we about setting goals is to be kind to yourself as you pursue them & always celebrate every tiny victory! Thanks for reading my blog friend, go out there & become a Goal Getter!  


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