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20+ Spread Ideas For A Pregnancy Bullet Journal

by Design Team 09 Nov 2021 0 Comments

Hey-lo Marsha here from DoYouSalut! Today we're creating a pregnancy/baby journal for one of my dearest friends. I'm always amazed by people who are able to bring life into this world. Having a journal to mark this journey can be a great gift to give to a sister/best friend/partner, etc. 

Recommended Supplies For Pregnancy Journal 

If you are interested in getting any of these items from Archer and Olive feel free to use my affiliate code : Salut10 for a 10% discount on most items. ( I get a small commission if you use this code) 


Here are the sections I added to my friend's journal: 

Cover page:

First section is the cover page. This can be a bit tricky because some parents want to wait until the baby is born before giving them a name. Some parents just can't pick a name until they absolutely have to.  For the cover page spread you can have "Welcome" in nice lettering and then leave a space for the baby's name to be added later. You can also have the first initial of the last name. For example for Baby J. 

cover page

About Mom/Dad

all about mum

This page is there so she can write interesting things about herself and her partner. I left it blank so they can write anything they want (birthday, favorite color, etc). 

all about dad


Baby Names & Reactions

This section is for potential names for the baby and gender reveal. This section can be a bit tricky because not everyone is binary and some people might want to raise their children with this mindset. Be sure to ask your friend if this is something they would want. 

baby names spread

Reactions are a great thing to add. Was the baby a surprise or planned? Did family and friends suspect that a baby is on the way.  


first trimester

I added a section for each trimester to write down the following: how I'm feeling, Best Parts, Worst Parts, Cravings, and appointments.  Sometimes we forget these little details and they might not seem important now but might be in the future. 

2nd and 3th trimester



A place to baby's first pictures! 



Birth Plan & Birth Story 

Do you know your birth story?  This is a great spread to share the story. 

birth plan 



Each month brings new adventures for the family and baby. Having space for each months' adventures is a great way to keep memories.

one month

Instead of leaving the page blank you can also add milestones for example first tooth, reaction to eating solids, etc. 

two months

Hip hip hooray! Baby is one year old. 

one year


Miscellaneous Section Ideas 

Here's a list of other sections you can add to the journal: 

Family name

Family tree & history

Story behind why given name was chosen

How parents met 

Hopes and dreams for baby 

Advice from family and friends 

Letters written by parents to baby for the future 

Family recipes 

Baby shower

Religious introduction (Baptism/Christening,etc)

Baby footprints from birth 

Favorite poems or sayings 

Other life milestones 

Check out the full journal here!

You can add to this journal every year and then give it to the "baby" when they're all grown up. 

Note: if you don't have great drawing skills you can always use Canva's clip art and print the images on sticker paper. You can use stickers, stencils,etc. I'm sure the person who receives the journal will be happy for such a thoughtful gift. 

Here is a free printable of a baby shower card that can be a companion to the journal if you are giving it as a gift. 

baby shower ideas

Do you have a baby journal from your birth? If you have kiddies have you made a journal for them? What are some things you'd add to this? 

If you recreate this don't forget to tag me at @doyousalut and @archerandolive. Also don't forget to tag for a chance to be featured on our community page. 


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