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2 Ways to Draw A Pumpkin Doodle + FREE Printable

by Guest Blogger 16 Oct 2020 0 Comments

Planning With Pumpkins

Hey there, it’s Mark from @Menwhobullet on Instagram and YoutubeFall and Autumn can be a fun time for creative planning. There are so many great colors to choose from, quotes to use, and items to decorate the pages of your journal with. Today, we are going to learn how to draw a favorite and versatile vegetable for the fall, the pumpkin. Once we know how to draw a pumpkin in two different ways, then you can use these all over your Bullet Journals, Hobonichi, study notes, and planners.

I know that these doodles are easy to use because my wife taught them to me, and she teaches elementary school kids. If little kids can learn to make these pumpkins, I know you can too! Today I am going to teach you two methods to draw a pumpkin using two other foods to help. First, the “Hot Dog Method” and second the “Apple Method”.

Materials used:

Archer&Olive Bat Blackout Notebook
Archer&Olive Acrylograph Pens

Watch the Full Video here!

The Hot Dog Method


The reason it’s called the hot dog method is because you start off with a hot dog shape, also known as an oval ;-) After you draw your first hot dog shape, you add a few more behind your first shape on both sides. Don’t forget to add a small stem at the top. To create a few different shaped pumpkins use this method, you can add a little wiggle at the end of the hotdog to create some different style pumpkins..



The Apple Method


This is actually my favorite way to draw a pumpkin because it is really easy to do. First, you need to draw a flattened apple shape. Once you have that shape on your page you are going to draw small curved lines out from the center of the shape. Add 3-4 lines on each side of the pumpkin. When I use this method I like to go over the shape once more to help add a little rounded shape to the bottoms and top of the pumpkin.


Now that you know how to create a pumpkin you can start adding these to all of your pages. Use them as headers, decorations, or my favorite as a pumpkin pattern. I’m going to use this pumpkin pattern to add some fun designs to a weekly spread in my bullet journal. For some added fun, I’m using the blackout paper from the NEW Limited Edition Blackout Bats Dot-grid Journal and the Archer&Olive Acrylograph Pens for great texture and color.


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