15+ Floral Doodle Ideas For Your Bullet Journal Spreads
Hi, it’s Temi of Living Letter Plans here to inspire you with 17 floral doodles you can use to decorate your bullet journal spreads! If you follow me on Instagram, you know I am obsessed with create floral designs and patterns in my bullet journal themes, so I’m going to share some simple floral elements you can use to put together your own pretty bujo designs, using my favourite technique of layering Acrylograph paint pens over Calliograph brush pens.
I find having some flowers and doodles in the mind bank, a good way of pulling ideas for creating multiple themes, so I’ve split the floral doodles into four categories: The Florals; The Leaves; The Fillers; The Extras/Minis. You choose and mix and match from each category to create your floral designs, or even choose multiple from one category – the possibility for pretty floral bujo doodles are endless! Don’t worry if you’re new to drawing or need some assistance, because I’ve created printable floral outlines that you can print and trace, draw over for practice, or draw over and cut out! For my examples, I’m going to use Calliograph and Acrylograph pens from the aptly named Blossom and Flourish Collections.
Items used:
The paper
- Archer @Olive A5 Neapolitan Notepad
The Pens
- Acrylograph Pens Blossom Collection 0.7
- Brown Acrylograph from Cool Fall Collection & Warm Fall collections 0.7
- White Acrylograph from the Jewel Collection 0.7
- Calliographs Flourish & Blossom Collection
The Flowers
Let’s start with the flowers! When I create my designs, these are usually the main part of the designs, that add the most colour. I start with the base shape create by my Calliographs, them and shadow and shading with my Acrylograph pens (usually in a darker shade that the Calliograph pen), then I use a lighter shade, in this case white, to add some highlights. You can use 3mm Acrylograph for shading, but I find the 0.7 work best for the smaller details. I get the inspiration for the florals by looking at real flowers and adapting the into a simple illustrated design.
The Leaves
I use the same layering principal with the leaves but keep these design super simple. There are four variations with subtle differences: Grouped round leaves, pointed symmetrical leaves, and leaves curved inwards and outwards for a more whimsical effect. When you play around with these designs, you’ll notice how different an effect each leave has – have a go and see!
The Fillers
The fillers are an even simpler design, that are great for filling in spaces in your design. Think of it like a bouquet of flowers, when you have more bulbs and twigs to give some depth. You can create these with just the bold Acrylograph, or if you like shading like me, you can use the same layering technique.
The Minis & Extras
These are great for filling in any black and spaces there might be in your design. They’re mainly small and shorter versions of the leaves and filler doodle and can be other shapes like polka dots or dashes. The ad a little flourish to your floral bujo design. Here I don’t add as much shading as the design is so small, but a little does help as some depth!

Putting Your Design Together
I’ve created a video showing you the designs in action, with different ways you can use the floral doodles to create some designs in you bujo spread. Here you can also see the layering in action and how I draw each doodle.
You can mix and match doodles from each category for you bujo theme; maybe one from each, two designs from two categories, the possibilities go on! Or you can even pick all the doodles from the minis and create a daintier subtle design! Get the printable here:
We would absolutely love to see your floral doodles and spring bujo themes, so share your spreads and tag us @archerandolive, @archerandolive.community, @LivingLetterPlans and use the hashtags #AOShare and #archerandolive. Happy doodling!
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