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10 Bullet Journal Spreads to Help You Create a Morning Routine

by Content Team 11 Jun 2023 0 Comments

Hello everyone! It is Erin Floto from @erinflotodesigns here. Bullet journaling and bujo spreads can be helpful for tracking your tasks and to dos, but did you know  it can also help you establish routines? I’m going to share 10 different bullet journal spreads that can help you create the best morning routines, including establishing good habits along the way.


But first, here are the items you will need:

  • Calliograph Pens - I used Pink and Berry Mist for this particular project
  • Archer and Olive Notebook - This would be perfect in your everyday or your collections notebooks
  • Creativity and Decoration - I also used the washi tape from the summer 2022 collection for this spread to help bring some color and life to the page along with my spreads

title spread

Different Routines for Different Days

Mornings are going to look different for each person and that includes different routines for different days for each person. The example that I chose here is on a work day versus on a weekend. But this could also be adapted for when you are in school versus out of school, on days you have custody versus not, days when you work in-office versus work from home, or days that you have a morning shift versus a night shift. This spread allows you to notate how the morning routine may look different on different days. It includes a list of times from 5:00 AM to 10:30 AM in the center with the work day am routine on the left and off day am routine on the right.

weekend and weekday routine


Work Day Routine

I work a 4 day, 10 hour schedule so for this spread, I have a grid in a light grey pen including columns for Monday - Thursday and rows from 5 AM through 12 PM. This will allow for variations between what each work day may have in the morning routine. For example, I have a weekly meeting on Mondays with my team at work that I do not have any other day so my morning routine needs to be completed by 10 AM on Monday. This can also adapt for different bus stop times, for example, if it is a half day or a teacher work day.

 Work Day Routine


Morning Checklist

This checklist is a perfect spread to keep at the beginning of your everyday notebook or even in a collections notebook. This is a list of your morning routine checklist. It is simple but will keep you from having to write it on each day in your bullet journal. Instead, you can simply write “am routine” on your daily spread and use the morning checklist as a reference list.

Morning Checklist


Daily Page

For those that love a daily journaling page, I’ve included a wonderful option that includes sections for a schedule on the left-hand side of the page where you can time block. Then on the right side, there are sections for a work to do list, a home to do list, your am routine, your pm routine, what you read that day, and a space for filling in workout information. You could also include sections for your meal log, mood, weather and more.

Daily Page


Weekly Routines

This spread is a weekly spread for your bullet journal including a section on the left for an Alastair Method with a space for marking off the tasks for each day. In that section, I have headers for am routine work home, home, business, and pm routine. This is a simple but effective way for marking off your am routine while you are still building it because it is essentially a weekly habit tracker on your weekly spread. The rest of the two page spread includes sections for each day of the week.

Weekly Routines

Monthly Habits

Speaking of habit trackers, this is a similar spread but for monthly tracking. I used the Jashii Corrin method of creating a picnic plaid by highlighting every other column and every other row. Each row is a day of the month and across the top is an icon for each am routine item. In this spread, I also included a section for a daily summary but you could complete this spread with other habit tracker items, pm routine items, and more.

Monthly Habits


Morning Priorities

This spread is a simple reference list that includes morning routine priority items - things that you want to happen every day, as well as other tasks. The other tasks section is for routines that do not happen on a daily basis. For example, my partner and I love to walk the dogs in the morning on Sundays but the rest of the week, we will often walk them in the afternoon. So while it may be part of my morning routine, it is only incorporated on Sundays.

Morning Priorities


Timed Routines

If you’ve ever slept through your alarm or have woken up unreasonably early before your alarm goes off, you know that some routines may not go according to plan. This spread includes alterations to your am routine depending on how much time you have - 30 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours. For 30 minutes, you may have to speed through and cut out normal morning routine items that could take place if you have 2 hours to get ready.

Timed Routines


Class Schedule Routines

In this morning routine example, I use the time blocking method to block out chunks of class schedule time. For each day of the week, I also include a wake up time for that particular day and there is space on each daily schedule to include the am routine associated with that day. If you have a lab early in the morning, for example, your am routine may be split into two different parts - before and after lab.

Class Schedule Routines


Habit Trackers

I love using individual habit trackers to see different trends with the habits and routines I’m trying to build. In this spread, I use the header am routine and have individual habit trackers for each portion of the am routine, such as taking vitamins, drinking water, and brushing teeth.

Habit Trackers


If you are more visual and auditory learner I’ve included a video explaining each of these bujo spread ideas. I hope this video is helpful for picking out the perfect spread for your am routine!

I hope this blog, video and printable gives you the inspiration you need to build an amazing morning routine with great habits!!

free morning routine printable

Thank you so much for joining and please tag @erinflotodesigns and @archerandolive and #aoshare on Instagram with any morning routine spreads you create!



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